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The alarm clock sound cracking her eardrums. Sigh, she turn it off and arose from her fluffy queen size bed. A knock from the door alarmed her more.
"Erin Zahr, it's already Fajr (dawn), go downstairs. It's prayer time", her mom ordered.
"Alright mom, I'm up", she woke up and hop out her bed. She went to the bathroom and took her wudhu, praying she have a safe flight today.


"Take care like always", her dad hugged her. My only daughter . Her mom are in tears, so do her brothers. Two idiots man that guide her in survived this big-full of obstacles world.
"It's time to work again. Take care, Erin. Be good to your students, do NOT forget your prayer. We will missed you", her brother words make her in tears.
She nodded, the department had announced the last called up for flight to South Korea. She then kisses her family hands (salaam).
"Assalaamualaikum", she waved her hands and hurriedly took hold of her suitcase and enter the security check up.
Waalaikumussalam my daughter. Her dad sadly looked at his beautiful daughter, faded in the flight departure.

May Allah blessed my journey. She prayed.

Welcome back, Seoul.

The Flowers Blooms Again (Kim Taehyung Muslim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now