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Here's the update guys. I'm sorry I was blinded by my work but hey, here it is.

Some warning! There's slight harsh words... You can skip if you don't like it.



     I cant hardly believe my eyes as I watched seven boys dancing, jumping, and lively singing out loud with their beautiful handsome faces on the massive stage in front of me. Everybody in the stadium including me, cheering out loud with our famous fan chant.
     It was BTS concert. Who do not know BTS? I was amused by them as they were dancing, few centimeter away from me. I smiled ear to ear as I stare at my favourite guy, Kim Tae Hyung. The music was blaring through my ears. I somehow copying their dance, wiggling into some broken dance, singing to their song with every perfect lyrics. Oh my, my, my-.

     "Erin, enough with your entertainment. You need to focus on your studies", I heard mom yelled through my earphones, glancing over her shoulder while chopping some onions. She then add, "Or Ill tell your father when he comes home".

     "Okay, okay. Im up". I said, plug out the headphones and let the music play out loud in the kitchen. My mom looked at me with annoyed. "Just a minute, mom".

     I sigh, my mom knows my weakness, my father. My father was very strict when it comes to religion and studies. My father is a fisherman, he was away to the ocean doing his duty, catching some fishes to sell in order to feed us. I love his job. It was pure, because without someone like him, people would not able to eat fish, right?
     My mom, however is a housewife. We were not that rich, but we are happy with our lives. My brothers is working. The oldest was an intern in company, hoping to be promoted as a manager. My other brother was in engineering university. His ambition, of course to be an electrical engineer.

     Me? Theres nothing special. Maybe a little special because I'm an artist who paint and draw, professionally.

     Anyway, I'm a normal seventeen years old student who dreamed to be an English teacher in South Korea and marry a member of BTS. Yes, I'm a muslim girl, but not a good one. I'm in the middle, I pray five times a day but I always commited sins. I'm a human, remember? But my mom always says that sinners always forgiven if we asked from Allah. But, it doesn't mean that we can do whatever we wanted. Right?

     I do always caught in trouble. What can I say? Bad luck is a friend of mine. What a life I had. I studied in public school with same uniform every day. But, that's not breaking my spirit until

     I jumped as I heard our front door burst open with a loud bang, revealing four man in a mask barged in with guns and machetes in hands. Colours drained from my faces as they started to pulled my mom from the kitchen table, let her knife dropped on the floor with a thud. We screamed.

     "Shut up, you b*tch". One of the robber harsh words stinging in my ear, makes me stop yelping in fear and cried silently. "Give us what you have". I cant help but crying as I watched my mom, from distance being threaten by one of them. Two of the robbers was shattering everything inside our room, searching for quality belongings. I wished someone heard our scream and called the police or army or whatever related. My mind is trembling right now. I don't even know where the hell is my cell phone.

     "I would give you everything, but please dont hurt us". My mom begged. I cried even more. My stupid laptop, however still playing the song over again, makes the man annoyed. I cursed under my breath. My bad.

     As I tried to reach the laptop to turn it off, I felt icy cold metal touched the back of my neck. "Move a little honey, or Ill blow your brain away", he spoke makes me frozen, not even dare to move a single soul. I hate it when I feel helpless and weak. "Get down, kid".

     I shudder, slowly get on my knees, kneeling in front of him. My mother, from the other side ran to me, hugging me tightly, crying. "Please dont hurt us".

     "What the heck are you watching, kid?" one of the robber came out from our room, with his loaded bag. He laughed and lift my laptop with his hand. The other robbers chuckled too.

     "Wow, BTS? I shouldve known kid these day listening to this sh*tty dancing music". He continued. "Oh look, very amusing. This is going to be my favourite. Were finally a gang". He snorted.

No way on hell I would.

     Never. Why do some crazy man that robbers your house, wanted to be a friend of a victim? Crazy lunatics! They were laughing each other, like they were on drugs or something. I realise that they were insecure, until then a loud sirens of police cars blaring the streets. The robbers, went panic when they were vulnerable satisfied of their job. They ran out the house, with a blink of an eyes.

     In short, they were caught by the police officers. I always saw scene in the movies that victims like me and my mother would hold as a hostage, but I guess the robbers just being dumb to broke someones house. But, how grateful I was when my mother and I were safe. My father, however freaked out when he was called by the police about what happen.

     I was traumatised after the incident. Especially when my laptop were playing songs in an uneventful time. Unexpectedly, I started to dislike BTS after one of the robber said we were friends because of them. I chose to shut down all my videos and music, let myself grow up adult without a glance of the boy band news.

     But this time is different. I dont know how to describe. I never followed their news anymore, especially about my bias for 8 years. He, Kim Tae Hyung, one of BTS member who used to be on stage, is in front of Jung Eun's mother front door.

     He, the guy I had adored before, standing and speaking to Aunty Hae Soo while Jung Eun standing beside her, with neat muffin boxes in hands, while I was hiding behind this thick concrete walls.

Excitement grew beneath me.

     Astagfirullah, What am I thinking? I shook my head trying get rid of weird thought. As I saw Aunty Hae Soo gesturing him to come in, I began to freak out.

No, no, no, not now.

     I quickly reach my socks near the toilet. Alhamdulillah, thankfully I put it here yesterday. Socks is very important to me as a Muslim. It covers the colour of my true skin, and avoid any mahram man imagining the colours of our body. I then pulled my long sleeve down, and repairs my sticking out hair from my hijab.

     I heard their footsteps closer to the kitchen, I fasten my pace to sit on the chair, pretending myself eating the nutella muffins that were served on the plate. As they enter the kitchen room, my body react as Tae Hyung dark orbs glancing around and laid it on me.

     Wow, He's grown up a man! He is still as handsome as ever, his face was creamy tanned, his sharp face is mind-blowing with his ruffled like dark hair, dark eyes, that broad shoulder and toned body beneath his shirt was visible as if he's going to gym. I bet he did. It was really nice to see him in real life than the laptop screen. With that bad boy dressed like, with white t-shirt, black jeans, and black leather jacket, he could attract millions of woman.

     As I realise his eyebrow furrowed with concern, I realise how much I drooling over him. Astagfirullah, I need Yaasin water for this. His eyes stared into mine, and of course, the butterflies starts to kick my stomach.

     I awkwardly stood, avoid any contact eyes and both of us bowed, greeting each other.

     "Erin, this is Kim Tae Hyung, my niece from Daegu".  Aunty Hae Soo spoke, grinning at my reaction as I looked stupid. "I'm sure you know him, he is very popular until now".

      I nodded awkwardly, catching my stuck breath. "Ohh, nice to meet you, Mr.Kim. My name is Erin". I formally greets with warm smile, hiding all the guts I had in the stomach.

     "Nice to meet you too, Miss Erin. Just call me Tae Hyung". He smiled, showing his perfect smile. I also glad that he did not lend his hand to shake. I guess he knows that Muslim woman cannot shake hands with any random guy.

     "Lets sit down and have some nice conversation. It's been a long time I didn't chat with you, my boy". Aunty Hae Soo spoke to Tae Hyung and looked at me, grinning.

Oh boy, it's gonna be a long day.

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