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Summer's POV:

I can't believe he loves me

He shouldn't

I'm so sorry Harry

I shouldn't have left him there

He deserves better than me.

Millions of thoughts runs in my mind as I sit in the park. Only a few minutes before I came here and got in with the driver's help. Just an hour ago he confessed his love and I haven't stopped crying ever since. If only I had sight, I would have kissed him so hard and screamed my love out. But unfortunately I'm a blind bat who is afraid of living and can't even move a shit on her own. I'm crying because of my fate. I'm crying because I had to run away from the man I love. I'm crying because I know I just broke him but my fear is stopping me from looking back.

After ages of crying I get up and wipe my tears. I slowly start walking out. I keep my head down as I count my steps out.


My body freezes on hearing this voice. Its been a year since I heard it and now that I heard it again , my memories come rushing to me again. I try controlling myself as I feel her touch me

"How are you darling?" She asks

"Wha-at do you wa-ant , go away" I try to say

"I know your heart broken about what my son did but you don't know the true story" I hear the hurt in her voice

"There is nothing to know. Everything is clear. He left. He didn't need me. He didn't care I was broke. He just left" I say rudely this time

"Darling please he loved you"

"Really! Then why the heck did he leave? Because he was fed up to look-"

"Because he had cancer" Her words left me shocked

"H-he what?" I shutter not believing my hears

"A month before he broke up with you, he was diagnosed with Cancer. That broke him. He didn't want to hurt you more by letting you know. We took him for treatment but his condition never improved instead it got worse. He knew there was nothing he could do about it. He knew he was dying. So he didn't want you moaning over his dead body. He loved you so much. He knew you would die if you knew. So he thought, instead of telling you the truth and making you depressed he'd rather break up with you and make you mad at him. He knew you will be broke but he knew you won't be as much as broken if you knew he was about to die. He thought you'll move on gradually instead of moaning over him. So he did what he thought was right. And two days later , He passed away holding your photo in his hand"

Though I was blind I could hear her crying. I was crying too. I can't believe he hide something it from me. I always missed took him. I hated him without knowing he was dead. I never even once did I find out about him. I feel so bad now.

"He is watching over you Summer. He still loves you. Believe me or not one day I saw his spirit. But he looked unhappy. When I asked him why. He said you still haven't moved on. His soul still hasn't rested in peace. He is still with you waiting for you to move on and forgive him. Sometimes I even hear him cry in my sleep"

Memories of him start flashing through my head. But it all comes together in a rush. My head starts to round and I start to feel dizzy. An just like very other panic attack I had, my mind goes blank.



Harry's POV

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