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You stared at the equation on the bored, shifting in your seat. You could feel everyone's eyes.

Your teacher had just asked you to answer the question on the board. Why? You don't know, you weren't even raising your hand.

Take that back. You knew exactly why she called on you. You were sitting staring at the back of Stanley Uris' head, wondering why you thought the boy was so cute.

He hung out with the losers. Literally. That's what everyone called them. You've talked to Richie and Bill before, they seemed all right.

You've always wanted to hang out with them but, you were too shy. You observed Stanley and his friends from a distance, at lunch most of the time. There was a lot of 'nows your chance', 'go. NOW!', and 'you blew it's.

Your friends made fun of you for your stupid crush. I guess they weren't really your friends. They were just the people you hung out with. You didn't really like them and they didn't really like you. It was all an act you guys put on.

You don't know why they just didn't leave you already. They probably felt bad. They probably didn't want you to end up with the losers. But that's exactly where you wanted to end up.

So here you were. Right here. Right now. Still staring at the equation.

"Ummm. I don't know." You managed to spit out.

"She speaks!" You heard a boy named Henry Bowers yell. People of course laughed at his little joke.

"Henry." The teacher said sternly looking at Henry.

"What?! We were sitting here for eternity before she actually said something. She's worse than stuttering Bill!" He laughed.

Stan whipped his head around once he heard his friends name, furrowing his eyebrows.

"What's wrong? The Jew doesn't like when I talk about his little boyfriend?" Henry teased.

"Bowers, Principal's office, now!" The teacher shouted.

You were still staring at Stan as he moved his eyes from Henry to you. He looked sad.

You mouthed the words, 'sorry', as you felt bad for bringing him into this.

He smiled and turned back around.

Ruby {Stanley Uris }Where stories live. Discover now