Chapter 5

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[Two months later]




I am at the doctors. They scheduled me for an ultrasound. I’m super nervous.

They call my name, Khalil and I head to the back. I sit on the bed in the room while Khalil sits down beside. Dr. Whitmore comes in the room.

“It’s good to see you again Keisha.” Dr. Whitmore said.


“Okay let’s get started on the ultrasound.” Dr. Whitmore said.

“Okay let’s do it.”

She hooks up a machine. She lifts up my shirt and puts some kind of jelly type stuff on my stomach.

I look over at the machine as does Khalil. A tear rolls down my face. I could see some things that have developed.

“Aw look at that.”

Khalil gently grabs my hand and I smile. Dr. Whitmore pulls out a paper and hands it to me.

“The baby looks healthy. Are you taking your prenatal vitamins?” Dr. Whitmore said.

“Yes and I’m glad the baby is healthy.”

“Good I’ll see you in two weeks.” Dr. Whitmore said.


I take my phone out and take a picture of the ultrasound. I send it to Avannah. We leave the doctor’s office.

I instantly receive a message from Morgan.

It reads: Hey I was wondering if we could talk, we, met when you and your boo was picking out engagement rings. I was kind of shy to call so I thought it would be better to text instead.

I respond back and it reads: Hey sure we can hang. Oh now I remember you. Don’t be shy. Let’s meet up at the mall.

I receive a message back from her and it reads: Okay sounds good to me.

“Babe could you possibly stop by the mall? I gotta meet with Morgan.”

“Okay.” Khalil said as he makes a turn.

In less than ten minutes we arrive at the mall. My phone buzzes and a message pops up that reads: I’m here at the mall. Where do you wanna meet at?

I respond back and it reads: The food court

We head inside the mall. We arrive at the food court. I spot Morgan and head her way.

“Girl you will not believe this but my man cheated on me.” Morgan said.

“Damn that messed up.” I said as we hugged.

“I’ll let you ladies talk.” Khalil said as he kisses me.


He leaves us alone.

“I’m so glad you came. I’ve always wanted a friend. My ex best friend slept with my man behind my back and I beat her ass.” Morgan said.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I think we could be friends.”

“Cool.” Morgan said.

We laugh and talk for a while. Khalil joins us.

“I see you ladies are enjoying yourselves.” Khalil said.

“Yeah we are.” We both said.

“Good.” Khalil said.

“I should get going, I gotta find me a new outfit ya feel me.” Morgan said.

“Yeah I do I’ll talk to you later.”

“Same.” Morgan said.

We part ways. Khalil and I head out the mall.

“Babe I brought some shoes.” Khalil said.


We head home. I think I could be friends with Morgan, she seems cool.



Thank you :)) 

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