Chapter 15

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. Anyways this story is coming to end soon. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Much Love,



Everyone enters the room except for my dad, Khalil's dad and Kareem. 

"Oh good you guys are here."

"Its okay relax." Avannah said holding my hand while Khalil rubs and holds my other hand.

"I-I-I can't do this."

"Yes you can." Avannah said

"Okay now relax and breath steady." the doctor said

I did as told.

"Now give me a big push." the doctor said

I gave a big push.

"Arrrrrggghh!" I begin breathing steady once again after pushing. 

Oh my gosh!  This hurts and I hate Khalil for doing this to me. 

"Now give me another big push." the doctor said

"Its okay mommy and step mom are here." Khalil's mom and my mom said

I give another push.

"Arrrrrrrrrggghhh! It hurts! I hate you for doing to this me." I yelled

Khalil looks scared by my mood.

"Don't worry its normal for her and all pregnant women to have mood swings during labor." the doctor said

I notice Morgan had to sit down. It must of been too much for her.

"Okay now give me one more really big push." the doctor said

I gave one last big push. 


"It's a beautiful baby boy." the doctor said


"Aw he is so cute." Morgan said standing beside Avannah

"Aw he sure is." Avannah said

"Oh my goodness! I am a grandmother." Khalil's mom said.

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