Chapter Ten: Pirates and Disagreements

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Virgil was fuming. Absolutely fucking infuriated! He was in a foul mood, snapping at anyone who got in his way and using his job to take it out on every unfortunate customer that walked in that morning. He wasn't a shy, drooping flower, and to be brought so low by a goddamn kiss was galling, is what it was! He was supposed to be doing that to Roman, not the other way around. He'd been avoiding Roman for the few weeks, trying to let his humiliation die down, but he knew he couldn't duck the guy forever. And unfortunately, that proved to be extremely true when he turned to face his next customer.

"Hello there, gorgeous! You've been terribly busy lately, so I thought I'd come to you." Roman practically purred it at him, and Virgil silently blessed his foresight in wearing foundation because otherwise his face would be bright red right now.

"Well, you found me. What can I get you?"

"Your next evening free, for starters. Have you been avoiding me?" Virgil scoffed at that, rolling his eyes.

"You wish you were that important to me, Princey. No, I've been busy. It happens sometimes. I might be free tomorrow, though." Roman leaned across the counter, gently cupping his face, and it took everything Virgil had not to reel back at the sensation, or the warm look in his eyes.

"That's good, because I've really started to miss you." Virgil swallowed hard, trying to maintain his indifferent front.

"Really? I've hardly noticed you weren't around." It was a lie, a filthy lie, and Virgil knew Roman was aware by the flash of annoyance and the slight narrowing of his eyes before it was replaced with a heated look that seared him to his core.

"Have I made so negligible an impression? What a shame. Looks like I'll have to work harder, then." As he spoke, he leaned closer and closer, until their lips were almost touching. Virgil could feel the air from his mouth with each syllable, and Virgil felt his eyes drifting shut, his body already leaning forward...and Roman released his face and leaned back!

"So, tomorrow, then? I can't wait. And I'll have a medium vanilla chai latte, please." That sneaky son of bitch!!! Judging by the shit eating grin on his face, Roman knew EXACTLY what he was doing, and it infuriated Virgil that much more. He wanted to play? Oh, it was ON!

Roman noticed the slight shift in Virgil's facial expression, a certain fire, and he immediately felt nervous. "No problem. Hot or cold, Roman?" Was it just him, or did Virgil's voice drop to this ultra-sexy, husky range??? How did he do that?!

"" Oh god, that shouldn't have been a question, get it together Roman. Virgil smirked at him from under his bangs, and that expression shouldn't send shivers down his spine, but it absolutely did.

"Go have a seat, I'll bring it out to you." Again, with that freaking VOICE, good gods! It was like auditory chocolate, rich and sinful. Roman made what he sincerely hoped was an affirmative noise, paid, and headed for his usual table in the back corner. It was quiet there, and he often sat and stared out the window when he needed to decompress. He honestly loved Virgil's shop, always had. It was dark, cozy, and gorgeous, just like the man.

"One vanilla chai latte." Virgil's sultry voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and he used all of his acting training to suppress the sound that wanted to escape his lips when Virgil leaned in impossibly close to set it down in front of him. He was so very close, and after all these weeks apart from him, Roman was itching to taste those lips again. Virgil must have known, because his smirk got just a touch eviler.

"And one more thing..." That was all the warning Roman got before one of Virgil's hands snaked into his hair, tugging his head back, and sank them into an intensely heated kiss. Roman arched his back, trying to reach up and pull Virgil closer, but almost as soon as it had begun, Virgil was pulling away, a smug smile on his face when Roman couldn't suppress his strangled whine of protest.

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