The Forgotten Girl

152 4 1

By lilie_raine


Delilah's POV, Right after last chapter.

The forgotten girl

'I'd be honored,' came his drowned out voice through the soft music; 'The lovers tale,' a song written for Shakespeare's play; Romeo and Juliet. It was a beautiful piece. A beautiful song.

A song of everlasting love.

And deep in my chest, hidden from everybody, a part of me broke, and splintered into fragments; fragments of precious memories i'll never recover.

The music seem to fade and i was able to see the two figures clearer, as other dancers which previously obscured my view, moved away. Their two bodies swayed gracefully, and naturally reacting to each other's steps.

James had his eyes on Elle, the whole night, his adoring gaze enveloping her with a soft glow, she reciprocated his actions until the two of them were surrounded in a golden haze, lost in their own world.

They may not have established anything but one thing was for sure;


What they had was love.

The type of love that transcends time.

The type of love that is forever.

I could never hold a guy for more than a month.

I shouldn't have been surprised by this, but i was. What is this feeling?

Was it hurt?


Heart break?




Heart break.

But how could he have broken my heart if it was never his in the first place?

Whatever the matter, i wouldn't stay around to find out.

I kicked off my heels and ran, i ran until the lush green grass beneath me disappeared, replaced with thorns and branches digging into my feet and piercing my skin. That pain was nothing compared to what i felt in my heart; invisible blades slicing through my heart, draining me of all emotion.

I was alone once again.

Each step i take is heavier than before and it was not until my legs give way and instantaneously i crash to the ground in quiet surrender.

Quiet sobs rob me of reality, and i finally allow myself to succumb to my hopelessness. The more tears i shed, the more empty i felt, until i was soaked in my past emotions.

'Hey. Are you ok?' A voice broke me trance. I whip my head around to meet a pair of electrifying blue eyes topped with dark brown hair.

'Yes.' I speak with shocking confidence.

'No. You're not.' He immediately counters.

'I'm fine.' I choke out, 'I just saw someone i once loved profess his love for someone else, it's just saddening i guess. I'll be ok.' I explain.

His eyes shine with understanding but the rest of his face is an unreadable stoney mask void of any emotion.

'Fine.' Was all he said.

And then he was gone. Like everyone else in my life.

I guess thats what happens.

I don't blame him for walking away. There's nothing anyone can do to help. I don't need anyone. I'm fine. But my trembling hands and constant dry sobs tell another story.

The sky darkens, gradually coating the the world with a rich blanket of darkness and a sprinkling of stars every so often. The stars wink at me, and i gaze into their depths hoping for an answer. Stars are like the diamonds in the abundance of coal. You can't have light without darkness.

Stars can only shine as bright as the sky is dark.

Mesmerised by the beautiful view of the night sky, I didn't notice the gentle tap on my shoulder, and i whipped my head around expecting to see the mysterious stranger, but instead i see James. Elle isn't with him. We were alone.

He offers me a hand.

I take it, grabbing on to him, dependent. But when our fingers meet, there was nothing.

I never felt more lost holding onto someone i once believe found me. His hands were warm, but lifeless in spirit. Everything felt wrong. Every fibre in my being told me that this was wrong, but i used his weight to pull myself up and he enveloped me in an embrace.

I couldn't bring my arms to hug him back. It just felt so wrong.

Then i do something i would have never even considered 3 days ago; i slap him. I slap him with all the force i have and he falls to the ground, a hand over his cheek, and confusion clouding his eyes.

'What was that for?' He asks incredulously.

I shrug. But so many emotion are running through my mind i fear if i say a word, they would all escape of my hold, and whatever facade i have right now will be shattered.

And thats the last thing i need.

'Fine.' James grits out as he pushes himself up off the ground. His cheek is red from where i had hit him, but flushed from anger too.

He turns to leave, and this time i feel relieved at his departure.

I have changed.




Long after James and the mysterious man had left, i finally decide to leave the forest. By now, the sky is a mirage of colours as dawn yawns her hazel glow and bathes me in her light. The orange sky in contrast to the midnight blue creates a stunning view, but i need to leave this forest.

Fatigue, exhaustion and overwhelming emotions stay by me as i walk, serving a permanent reminder of the perils of love.

I don't recall falling, but when i do fall, arms catch me and i know i'm safe. I know i'm okay. Someone called my name, how could anyone forget such a voice, but i'm too tired to care.

Too tired to move.

Too tired to think.

Too tired to love.



I love how poetic it is! And there is so many different emotions, which is a very difficult thing to include. It really pulls at your hear strings! A really good entry!

 The only thing I will comment in is the letter 'i'. When it is there alone it should be a capital letter (which is a very easy mistake to fix!!). But other than that it was great.

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