A Random Act Of Heroism

135 2 4

by writer-in-traing


POV: Caitlyn: a servant in the kitchen.

Time: just before the ball held in Princess Elizabeth's honor, and during the ball.

And I titled is : A random act of Heroism.

I could hardly believe my ears. The lost princess Elizabeth is back.

The kitchen was buzzing with activity. Cooks and servants whirled around in a flurry, all excited for the ball coming up.

A ball. Thrown in honor of Princess Elizabeth. Or Elle, as I've heard she prefers to be called now.

A wooden spoon cracks against my knuckles and I wince. "Hurry it up Caitlyn! We don't have all day!" The head cook yelled.

"Yes sir." I mumble and continue kneeling the dough.

My knuckles sting from the spoon hit. Already they were turning an impressive array of blue and purple. It'll go away by tomorrow night. I've been hit before.

I kneed batches of dough again and again, preparing it for the more advanced cooks to use it in pies, bread, and other sweets.

My mouth waters at the thought of all that food. That night, only the people the princess invited and people of high stature would attend.

So, not me. Not a lowly servant like me, even if I did help bake every sweet they would eat.

But I continued kneading nonetheless, until my arms felt like noodles and my hands caked in dough.

"Why don't you clean up Caitlyn. You've done enough." The head cook said.

Even though he wacked my knuckles when I was daydreaming, he was a sweet man.

"Thank you sir." I say. I wash my hands the best I could and scurried off.

The ball would be that night and I was determined to take a peek.

I wondered through the halls when the sound of music caught my attention.

There it was again. Violin music. I followed it, wondering what it could be. I peeked through the doorway and my breath caught in my throat.

Princess Elizabeth was dancing with her oldest brother Andrew. Her dress was gorgeous, a beautiful blue.

Then she switched partners, her twin Danny. They exchanged a quick dance and she switched partners again.

This time her youngest brother. Oscar.

After that dance, she slipped outside. How's she get outside? I have some poking around to do. Maybe I don't know this castle as well as I thought.

I sighed. I better disappear before I'm found. If I'm found, it almost certainly promises a wooden spoon to the knuckles.

"What are you doing here?!" A voice says. I jump.

Prince Andrew himself stood behind me. I gulp. I'm in so much trouble. I curtesy awkwardly.

"I-I'm sorry. I was...I was looking at the...at the party." I stutter.

His face softens. "Don't worry. I won't tell. And get up. Enough people bow to me already." I hurriedly stood up.

I sigh in relief. "I'm really sorry. I heard violin music and I followed it."

"No need to apologize. Who are you?"

"Caitlyn." I say. "Servant in the kitchen." Anthony nods and I sigh quietly in relief. I was safe. No getting hit with a wooden spoon.

"Off to bed." He orders. I scurry off towards my bedroom.

Silently creeping up the stairs, skipping the creaky one, I enter my tiny room.

There, I sat on my bed and muse over why Anthony didn't punish me.

I was out of bed after hours. I was near the ballroom. And, looking back, I could've thrown in some more 'sirs'.

Don't get me wrong. I love not being punished. But still....

Suddenly, a tremendous bang resonated through the halls. I jump and scramble for the door. I drop down and peek through the keyhole.

Three men in black carry a girl in blue. A familiar girl.

Elle?! But-wasn't she-I'm so confused. I open the door and follow quietly.

She was kicking, but made no sound. I tried to remember all the details about her kidnapping and such.

Someone wanted to use her for ransom, but I thought Anthony killed them all.


They took her to the highest tower. I shivered in my flimsy dress. I hid behind a pillar, hoping I wasn't obvious.

They mumbled a few words I didn't catch and Elle screamed.

Well, time to do the stupidest thing I'll ever do in my life, which won't be long.

"Hey! Back off!" I shout.

The men turn suddenly. Man, they were so much bigger than me.

"What are you doing here?" One asked. His voice grated against my ears.

"Curiosity. You could say I have a curious soul."

"Idiot! We were followed." The second man slapped the first upside the head.

The advanced on me so I did the logical thing. I screamed.

Two pairs of feet come racing up and two princes burst through the door.

Talk about timing.

"Elle!" One yelled. Danny.

Anthony just draws a sword. I dive out of the way as the four begin to dual.

I sneak over to Elle who, conveniently, lay forgotten.

I take a small knife I use for peeling apples and begin sawing at the ropes binding her hands.

Idiots. Bind the hands and the legs when you kidnapping someone.

I rip the gag off and Elle embraces me. "Thank you."

I try to stay cool. "No problem."

We watch in anticipation as the four duel. I stab anyone who comes near, accidentally nipping Danny once or twice.

Finally, the two men are on the ground, bound.

I help a trembling Elle up and the two brothers embrace her in a bone crushing hug.

Surprisingly, they do the same to me. "Air!" I squeak.

The let go and grin. "Thanks for saving Elle. Always getting herself in trouble." Danny says.

Elle slaps him. "Thank you."

I wave the thanks away. "It was an insane spur of the moment thing."

The nod and promise me to be recognized, yadda yadda yadda. I was happy to get to bed.

I slip under the sheets without changing, sleep overcoming me easily.

True to their word, Danny and Anthony recognized me for my "bravery".

I insisted it's unnecessary, but I got thanks for my heroism.


I think it's a great idea to have a lot of action in the chapter as it definitely makes it more interesting. There are a lot of short sentences which really add to the feeling.

I think it would be even better if you could add some more descriptions. There are very few paragraphs, which can take away the flow.

I really enjoyed reading it, so well done!

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