Meeting the future king

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Meeting the Future King


The story takes place three years ago in Prince Jackson's kingdom. It tells the tale of how Jackson and Arabella met. In Arabella's point of view

"Arabella! Get down here now!" My father roared from the ballroom.

"Coming father!" I yelled before fixing myself back into my dress. I slipped into my shoes before hurrying down the stairs.

When I finally arrived into the ballroom, my father screamed at me yet again "Why did you deny the Count's son in marriage! Arabella you can not keep rejecting all of the available bachelors!" His vein was popping out of his forehead for the third time this week.

"Because I will not marry someone I do not love!" I yelled back at him before turning on my heel and running out of the house. I hated when he treated me like this. I should be able to choose who I am to marry.

I wasn't really watching where I was going until it was to late. I ran straight into a hard chest and fell to the ground. 'Crunch'

I land on my wrist most likely breaking it. I flinch slightly from the sound and wince from the pain that shoot through my arm.

Slowly I open my eyes to see a hand outstretched to me. I look towards the owner of the hand, finding it to be a young man. By the looks of it he could be no older than 17.

"Are you alright Miss?" He asked me with a very husky voice.

I gently to his hand and he pulled me back on to my feet. I grab my other wrist after he lets go of my hand before replying "I'm alright, thank you though." I attempt to scurry away but he grabs my bad wrist and pulls me back. I wince again from the pain that shoots through my arm.

"Your wrist doesn't seem fine to me." He says with an annoyed face. "It's not wise to lie to someone who is just trying to help you Miss..."

"Arabella. My name is Arabella and I told you I was fine." I jerk my wrist away from his hold before stalking off.

But yet again I am grabbed by this man. He pulls me to his chest and wraps his hand around my waist. He growled in a low tone "Do you know who I am?"

I tried to ignore the sparks that came from his touch but he made it difficult. I asked angrily "No, and honestly I don't care." I thrashed around but with no avail. He had me completely trapped and helpless.

"I'm the future King Ms. Arabella." He smirked as a flash of realization came upon my face.

"P-Prince J-Jacks-son?" I stuttered and my eyes widen.

"Good to see you remember your place now. So are you going to allow me to help you with your wrist then?" He asked with his voice now back to normal.

I did not speak I just shyly nodded my head. He began to lead me through the crowd of people and took me to a tavern. I did not ask why we were here I just quietly followed him like a lost puppy.

He took me to a room near the back and took out something from one of the cabinets. He slowly wrapped my wrists in a wrap and gave me a pill.

"The wrap should keep it in place for now and the pill will keep you from feeling most of the pain." He said while handing me a glass of water.

I took the pill and then quietly said "Thank Prince Jackson." I looked at the ground not feeling rave enough to look him in the eyes.

He puts his finger under my chin and slowly lifts my head and I meet his gaze. "Look at me when you speak please Arabella. Now tell me what exactly is your status. You are definitely not poor but I would have known you by now if you were a Count's daughter."

"My father is a Duke, but not well known. I dont attend parties like most girls so I would doubt that you would have ever heard of me before." I explained to him.

"Ah I see." He walked me back to town square before bidding me a good day. I slowly traveled back to my house determined to keep this a secret from my father. He hated the current King and Queen. No doubt he would hate the future King to.


Absolutely love this. Was very well written, and the descriptions of their actions make I so easy to picture what is happening. It's really interesting to see Jackson painted in such a different light. I love how you have thought about Arabella's point of view, which I feel has been slightly missing from my writing! A good entry!

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