| The Forbidden |

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I was staring at the forest trees in front of me, remembering the fight of ten minutes ago. My hands tightened on the sleek metal dagger, not wanting to be the first one to say something. And on the other hand I felt miserable and I just wanted to say that I love her. And I wanted to hear those words from her as well. I couldn’t help but move my eyes a little bit to the pile of leaves to see what she was doing, and to my surprise, she was sleeping. Only a moment ago we were both so angry and pissed at each other, and now she lay there, so peacefully and I couldn’t even remember what our fight was about. God, she’s beautiful. It was only a matter of time  I got up and carefully I pulled her into my arms. My heart broke seeing some tearstains on her cheek. I hated seeing her cry and I hated it even more when I caused it. I pulled her close to my chest, walked from the pile of leaves, softly and carrying her through the bushes, right our secret hideout which was being the tree. She moved a little bit, but never opened her eyes. She was exhausted, I could tell. When I laid her on the bed, she groaned. ‘I’m sorry baby. I’m going to take off your jacket and your shoes. Then you can sleep.’ I said softly into her ear. She let me undress her. When I out the leaves over her and tugged them in she whispered something so soft, I almost didn’t hear it. ‘I’m sorry. I love you.’. Her voice was so sleepy, it wouldn’t surprise me if she was already out when I responded. ‘You don’t need to be sorry, love. I love you too. You’re beautiful.’ I said, kissing her forehead.

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