Chapter 5

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"Where to first?" I dusted myself off and looked over at Jade. She shrugged.

"How about we try to look at what people are good at without them knowing, so we can be prepared." Jade suggested.

"So, like spying." I said.

"No, like a learning experience." Jade gave me look that said 'Really?‘

"Okay, so we're spying." I took off towards the careers before she could answer. She rolled her eyes and ran after me. We hid behind a wooden post and watched the careers. I made note at what they were good at,  Megan R: She was good with traps and poison, Calum: He could throw 1oo pounds over his shoulder like it was a plastic bag of water, Harry: He was good with a sword on hand to hand combat, he was actually pretty cute too. Barbara: She was good at archery, Niall: He was good with a trident and nets. I made a mental note to take all of these weapons and make sure none of them could use their strengths. I look over at Jade, who is grinning. I tell her to follow me, and we go over to the top of the tree again, which is a really good place to talk.

"I can make weapons out of metal and fire." I tell her.

I know all about plants." She replies quickly. We both nod before sliding down again. I go over to he knots station and I know she's following.

"Hello girls!" The an at the knots station said cheerfully. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, we just want to try some knots, thanks." I replied. Jade nodded.

"Alright then, tie away!" The man went over to the district 5 girl. Jade and I chose a knot and tried, failed, tried the other persons, succeeded and taught each other the knots. We did this for a long time. I learned about say, 145 knots I would need, and 83 that I wouldn't. By the time we were done, both Laurel's and my hands were raw and red. We walked over to a small water source and let the cool, fresh water on out hands. It stung, but it felt good.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"Lets go to herbs. I can teach you some things." Jade stood up and shook her hands dry. I nodded and followed her example, then we both walked over to herbs. Jade showed me the poisonous plants and the purposes of the safe ones and which ones to eat and so on. Then, I took Jade to throwing knives and taught her how to throw pretty well. We had lots of fun, until training was over. We said good bye and then went up to our floors.




When I sat down for dinner, everyone was talking about private training. They were talking about what they were going to do and everything. I just sat and listened. Effie asked me what I was going to do, eventually, and I just replied,

"Whatever my heart desires." And I excused myself from the table. I got ready to go to sleep, even though it was early.

I lay awake in bed, although it was midnight, my nerves about private training creeping up in me. I wondered how I would do, would I be good enough? I gulped. I had to get, well, something high. I got out of bed and went to our balcony. It was a small fenced area, and not very high, but I liked it because it was quiet and I could think, plus there were lots of plants growing. I picked a rose and inhaled the scent, closing my eyes. I wished I could be back at home, with Megan, picking flowers in the meadow like we always do, without a care in the world, since Megan wasn't 18 and ready to volunteer yet. I sighed and hoped that Megan wouldn't volunteer, but I knew that she would. I stared at the sky, the stars were extremely bright tonight, yet it seemed that every constellation I knew was someone I loved, or a reminder of how homesick I was.

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