Chapter 7

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Effie shook me awake. "Julia! Its the interviews!" She yelled. I sat up and groaned.

"Okay. I'll get dressed and come down. Then you can coach me and I can be dressed and so on." I rubbed my eyes. Effie smiled and bounded out of the room. I rolled out of bed and threw on a gold t-shirt and silver jeans. I stumbled to the dining room and sat down. I poured myself some OJ and started on my waffles. Nobody was talking, apparently everyone was 'thinking'. I was just hungry. I sat back after a big gulp of OJ, draining about half of the cup. I threw my napkin on my plate and left to my room. I brushed my teeth and then sighed. i was ready to be coached. I stumbles back to the dining room where my eager mentor, Eretara, was waiting for me. She had declared I didn't need training until the interview.

"Ready to begin?" She asked. I nod and she led me to a separate room. "So, we need an interview angle for you." She studied me.

"What was yours?" I asked.

"I was 18, so silly and flirty. " Eretara giggles. "And lets try, innocent and adorable!" She squealed. We spent hours on perfecting me until Eretara thought I was ready. I had mastered everything I needed and was ready. I took a deep breath as Eretara led me to Perrie. She left me there and Perrie dug out the outfit.

It was a dress. What did I expect? It was really pretty though. It was made of gold and silver cloth that shimmered like I was wearing metal. It was shimmery and ended at my wrists with two sleeves that dangled down. It was basically silver, with a gold belt. That was it. Just a plain dress that looked like metal. But it was beautiful. Everything was so fancy here, they'd forgotten about the true beauty of a simple dress. Perrie helped me into it, then I put on silver flats with gold sparkles. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Then, Perrie braided silver and gold extensions into my hair and applied some metallic make up. Then, she declared she was done.

"Its beautiful!" I cried.

"And simple." Perrie looked at me. "Okay, go out there and do this!" I nodded and the walked outside. Harry was standing int the hallway waiting for me to eventually come out, I cleared my thoat and his head turned towards me. His eyes widened and looked at me up and down "You look absoultley beautiful Julia" he slowly walked towards me. He smiled and we walked silently to the waiting room. We were the third ones there. I took a deep breath and sat down to wait. Harry took my trembling hand and joined it with his, it was a friendly way of holding hands. Like you'd hold hand with your mother, you know what I mean. I looked down at them and then at him. We exchanged smiles and waited paitently.

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