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Tara knew that Ethan was keeping her busy, so she wouldn't think about Christian and what was at home.  Working with him on his project, brought happiness back into her life.  Slowly the image of Kayla and Christian, faded.  Her heart no longer bled all over the floor. She went out with one of the dancers working on their project, but ended it after a few dates. Ethan was supportive, but didn't interfere.  After he saw her kissing a guy from the flamenco class, she thought he'd say something, but he didn't.  Maybe Tara wasn't desirable anymore.  Maybe to Ethan, she was sloppy seconds. His charisma once again drew her in.  The way he could look straight into her soul and make it shine with his smile.  And even though he didn't dance regularly, he was very toned.  His abs were chiseled and made her blush, when she bumped into him coming out of the bathroom. Unlike when she was fifteen, she became much more sexually aware of Ethan. Why didn't he desire her? Was there just too much history?

He was teaching, when an opportunity came for Tara to show him how good they were together.  'Say Something' by A Great Big World featuring Christina Aguilera was playing. The couples in the class were struggling with the choreography, so Ethan danced with Tara to show them, how the music flowed so well with the steps.  It was classic ballet and she wore her point shoes.  When his hands held her for the Presage Lift, Tara held her breath.  Then as he stood behind her, matching her movement, a shiver ran through her like nothing she'd felt before.  It was something inside, that awakened.  The feeling started low and ran up through her body.  She was glad when they parted and he worked with one of the other dancers.  

Ethan looked over at Tara, he'd had to stop dancing with her and put distance between them.  As soon as their bodies made contact, his desire spiked.  No matter where he put his hands, they wanted to move to places on her body, that definitely were not allowed by a professional ballet dancer.  Her scent was light and intoxicating.  Suddenly he wanted them to be alone, but did she feel anything for him?  She'd been dating other guys, so he wouldn't be a rebound.  Yet he wouldn't be able to handle her rejection a third time.  Was he willing to risk their friendship for a kiss?

"Alright, that's it, now go for the one handed passage lift."  Ethan instructed Scott and his partner.  "Perfect  and one more time, then we'll call it a night."

The dancers were more advanced than Tara was, but she'd be able to do that lift too when she finished third year at the academy. For now, just watching him teach, was plenty.  A cold shower was in her near future.  When the class ended, she didn't leave right away.

"I saw the way you watched every move of that lift.  You want to try it don't you?"  Ethan asked.

"Yes and no.  I know I'm not that good yet, but I hope one day I can do it."

"Scared of failing or what it might do to your back?"

She shrugged, "a little of both.  Those steps you did earlier, was that a little bit of salsa?"

"Yup, nothing else has that kind of hip movement."  Ethan smirked when she unknowingly blushed.

"Oh.  I wish the academy taught other forms of dance like that.  I'm glad they brought back hip hop, but learning ballroom dancing would be great too."

"Want me to show you some moves?" Ethan asked.

"Um... I don't know, I might step on your feet," Tara hesitated.  Unsure if she could handle being so close to him again.

He held out his hand, "a good partner will never lead you wrong."

The music played and she let him move her around the floor.  He was right, his hands steered her where he wanted.  Still it was a different type of partnering than what ballet taught. Eventually she did step on his toes.  That ended the dancing, because she was laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry, really.  I hope I didn't hurt you," Tara giggled.

"You didn't stomp on me, I barely felt it."  He tossed her a towel, "you're a natural dancer, picking up steps quickly.  You've become a choreographer's dream."

"Am I your dream?" She blurted without thinking.

He walked towards her, holding her line of sight with his eyes.  "I think the question is; am I yours?"

Tara sucked in her breath and then replied in a rush, "you know the answer to that... don't you?"

Ethan pulled her towards him, her hands braced against his chest.  He looked into her eyes, waiting for her to make the first move. When her eyes locked on his lips and Tara moved her head, he gave in. The passion in that kiss, was so heated, they were both breathless when it ended.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time now," Tara confessed, "but I didn't think you did."

He nodded in understanding and said the rest, "and you didn't want to risk our friendship?"

"Exactly. You too?"  She asked, moving a hand to the back of his neck.

"Yes, me too."  His words barely came out, before their lips reunited.

As her mouth opened to make the kiss more intimate, so did her heart open too. They stood embraced for countless minutes, then he broke away.  "We need to stop.  I need to take a cold shower."

She smiled and it reached her smouldering eyes, "I think I need to take one of those myself.  Meet you at your car?"

He nodded, backing away slowly and then turning to pick up his bag.  He waited until she had her things, then removed the disc and pressed off on the stereo controller.  Finally the lights went out and they headed for the showers.  Both wore satisfied smiles and in the shower, both used the cold setting.  When they came out of their respective change rooms, casual clothes on, both were back in control of their desire.  But he did take her hand in his, as they walked back to the car.

Dance Academy- One Step At A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now