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The day of the performance, they did a practice run at the CCCB theatre.  Then it was hectic as there were other performances going on all day. Ethan's dancers, including Tara standing in for Sarah, were on at 5pm.  Everyone was nervous and excited to show Barcelona what they could do. The curtain call went out and they had two minutes before going on.  Ethan gave them a quick pep talk and then the dancers took their places on stage.  The curtain rose and the music began.  From the wings, Ethan watched the dancers and then glanced at the audience reaction.  He cracked a smile and it grew when he saw the Mayor of Barcelona appreciating the show.  The Mayor, was Vice President of Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona.  He was obviously impressed and that meant Ethan would be hired for future festivals and exhibitions. Ethan's attention returned to the dancers and he made eye contact with Tara.  The look he gave her, made her leap all that much higher.  She loved making him happy and realized that it exponentially effected her positively too.

The final note of music played, the dancers didn't move until the theatre erupted with applause.  Tara ran to the wings and dragged Ethan out on to the stage.  Everyone joined hands and bowed, then they hurried off to let the next performance get ready.

"Oh my god, that was so awesome!" 

"We got a standing ovation!"

These were some of the reactions from the other dancers, then some things were said in Spanish and Ethan had to translate for Tara.  She gave him an exuberant hug.  "You did it!"

He smiled from ear to ear, "we did it!"  He kissed her until Scott told them to get a room. "See you two at Tinta Roja to celebrate?"

"We'll be there for sure.  First round is on me," Ethan confirmed.

Tinta Roja was a bar that they had all begun to meet at.  It had a bordello/circus/cabaret vibe with plush red velvet sofas, smoochy niches that encouraged moments of pash.  It's atmosphere was perfect for a late drink.  Sometimes the dancers, Ethan and Tara included, would participate in the tango classes on Wednesday nights.

Before Ethan could join everyone there, he and Tara were stopped by the Barcelona Mayor during intermission. Xavier Trias introduced himself and shook their hands.  He spoke in Spanish, which only Ethan understood.  

"My apologies, I did not know you spoke little Spanish," Xavier said to Tara.

"No apology needed. Your city is beautiful," Tara gushed.

"She is very charming, I can see why you two are great partners.  If only I was single, a woman who can move like you, should be wearing a ring!"

Tara blushed beet red with the compliment.  Ethan and Xavier shook hands and exchanged more words in Spanish. Then the mayor's attention was diverted by others.  

"He's right, you were beautiful out there tonight. Took my breath away," Ethan said.

"Between the two of you, the compliments will keep my cheeks red for hours," Tara grinned. "Let me change and we can head out whenever you're ready."

Ethan spoke to his friend who had recorded the show, he'd bring a copy of it to the bar.  Then he took Tara's hand and they went to the car. "That was one of the best nights of my life, thank you."

She gave him a long kiss, "that was all you, not me. Don't you know how amazing you are?"

"I know I'm amazing, but at the beginning of summer, I was lost.  I created this, because of you." Ethan explained as he unlocked and opened her side of the car.

Tara laughed, "well I guess the purpose of having me here worked for you."

They arrived at the bar and the other dancers shouted their congratulations to Ethan. He bought the first round of drinks, while Tara danced with the girls.  A phone call on his cell, took him away from the celebrations.  It was Montse Sanchez from Increpacion.  She was calling to say what a hit his choreography was.  He was getting a bonus for successfully promoting their company.  She also gave him two weeks off.  Then she added that when Tara was done her third year at the academy, her and Ramon wanted to talk to Tara about being a contracted dancer for their company.

When Ethan told this to Tara, she jumped into his arms.  "Really, but I didn't know they gave contracts for dancers!"

"The dynamics of Increpacion change all the time, that's what I love about them," Ethan explained.

"Maybe they're trying to ensure their favourite choreographer's inspiration never is far away," Tara giggled.

"Maybe... and I like that idea," Ethan confessed. 

Before he could ask her if she did too, they got dragged out onto the dance floor to participate in an argentine tango. It was a sensual dance to begin with, the excitement of the night just added fuel to the fire that burned inside them.  Not all the steps were perfection, but the movement between Tara and Ethan, got those watching them all hot and bothered.

Scott danced close by. "I think you two need to take that home... or this place is going to start charging admission. This feels like border line voyeurism," he teased.

Tara blushed and Ethan smirked.  They took his advice and left.  They talked about the night and the conversation continued back at the flat.  Ethan put on some music and moved furniture out of the way.  She danced, while he made some drinks.  After taking a sip, she coaxed him to dance with her.  Then began kissing his neck, her hands travelling down to his waist band.  Following her lead, he helped Tara out of her shirt.  She did the same to him.  He picked her up and took her to his room.  She removed her pants and lay on his bed in her bra and panties, waiting for him. 

"Are you sure you want this?" Ethan asked, before he couldn't stop.

"Yes.  I've wanted this... you... since I got here," she confessed. She took his hand in hers and pulled him towards her.

He needed no further encouragement and joined her on the bed. She was impatient and he was taking his time.  Tara's hips moved under him and he fought for his control. He kissed her all over, caressing the exposed skin.  Her hands drove him mad, but he kept his mind.  He paused to get protection and then continued to use everything he knew to make her beg for release.

"Ethan," Tara gasped, as his mouth gave her such pleasure she could never have imagined.

Finally they became one and it was a surprise for her, but with his last shred of sanity, he waited until she was ready to continue.  The first few movements of her hips, sent him over the edge.  They lay entwined, hearts beating wildly.

"Thank you," he said into her neck.

She didn't know what to say, so many emotions ran through her.  

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked, when she said nothing.

"I'm better than okay...I...." She stopped, could she say the three words that were on her lips?

"You're tired?"

"Was I okay?" She asked at the same time he asked his question.

He answered first, "you were amazing. I've never felt like this with anyone... ever."

She smiled not so shy anymore.  "Yes I'm tired, but can we do that again?"

He laughed and kissed her in response.  "Practice makes perfect?"

Tara nodded, "that's the idea."

Dance Academy- One Step At A TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin