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As it got closer to the performance date, tensions rose. Ethan and Tara had their first serious fight. She thought he was bullying the dancers, once again micro-managing everything.  When Tara stood up to him, he got angry that she was undermining his authority.  It was his career that it would effect if they failed, not hers.  She stomped off and he dismissed the dancers and worked on the music.  When she didn't return, he went to look for her, his anger having dissipated.  He eventually found her, near his flat, lying on the clover patch.

"Hi," he said standing over her.

"I'm sorry," they said at the same time.

He sat down beside her and she sat up. "You're cute when you're angry," he said with a lopsided grin.

"So are you and I apologize for not saying things to you out of earshot of the dancers," Tara said.

Ethan nodded, "and I'm sorry for yelling at you for only trying to help."  He was looking at the ground near her right hand.  "Is that a four leaf clover?"

Tara checked and a big smile graced her face.  "You found one... see this performance is bound to be a great success."

"Friends?" He asked.

She tilted her head to the side, "I think we're more than that by now, don't you?"

In answer he cupped her face in his hand and gave her a kiss. Then smirked and used something she'd once said to him.  "Sure I like you as a friend."

Tara laughed and tried to tickle him.  They rolled around on the grass, play wrestling. He let her get the upper hand and be on top. Her hair framed their faces and she kissed his nose, eyes and cheeks, avoiding lips.  He rolled her then, so he was on top and in control. Ethan let go of her wrists and held himself over her with his hands on either side of her head.  Lowering slowly, he licked and then kissed her lips, until she opened her mouth and accepted his tongue.  When his hips began to move against her, she pushed him off.

"Stop," Tara said.

He could hear the nervousness in her voice and let it go.  Ethan stood up and offered her his hand. "Let's watch the video of what we've done today with the dancers. Tomorrow they get fitted for costumes, so on Friday we can do dress rehearsal."

She liked that he didn't pressure her or make her feel bad for stopping their intimate moment. "Sounds like a good plan."  As much as the chemistry between them had flared, so had her fear.  Not fear of him, but fear of the sexuality.

As Ethan held her hand, he felt her pulse and it was racing still. But by the time they had returned to his flat, it was back to normal.  The video revealed that two of the dancers had their timing off.  Tara would work with them tomorrow separate from the whole group, to make sure they got it right. Before they were done watching, Ethan got a call and had to return to the studio.  

"I'll stay, you go take care of whatever it is." Tara needed some time to herself.

"Okay, I shouldn't be too long and I'll bring home something to eat for dinner."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

While Ethan was gone, Tara tried to reach Kat again, without success.  Her mind reviewed every single moment she'd spent in the past few years with Ethan.  Somehow she had to get him out of her head.  She changed into shorts and running shoes, locked the flat with the key he'd given her and in went the headphones. Her jog took her through Park Guell and out into the surrounding city. Not once did Tara think she could be in danger and it was too late, when she realized someone was running her down.

The guy wore a black hoodie and hit her from behind. She didn't fall, but stopped in shock. Then as she was about to tell him off, a hand went over her mouth and another held a knife to her throat.  Reality hit, she was being mugged.  Fighting him didn't work, he was stronger and heavier.

"Who runs without a cell phone or money on them?" 

She shook her head, eyes wide.  He dragged her to an alley and pushed her up against the wall. A new fear sprang into her mind, would he try and rape her?  Remembering the mp3 player, she offered it up to him.  "It's all I have... please let me go."

He grabbed it, told her to face the wall or he'd put a knife into her back. "Count out loud until thirty and don't turn around, or I'll come back and finish you."

Tara was shaking, but she did as she was told.  Once the counting was done, she slowly turned around and looked up and down the alley.  No one was around.  She bolted, running as fast as she could back to the flat, constantly tossing looks over her shoulder.  Her legs hurt, her lungs burned, but she made it back.  Ethan's car was parked, he was home.

"Ethan? ETHAN!?" She practically screamed, opening the door so quickly that it hit the wall.

"Tara what's wrong?"

She ran into him, glad to have his strong arms around her.  Her words came out in a rush, tremors racked her body, but tears never came.  He had to get her to repeat what she said, as the words were incoherent.  When Ethan realized what had happened, he immediately called the police.  An officer came and took her statement and a description. 

"I'm so glad you're okay," Ethan said after the officer had left.

Tara shivered and wrapped her arms around herself for comfort.  "I was so scared, first I thought he was going to kill me.  Then when he found nothing to take, his hands..." 

"Don't even go there.  If I ever find the guy...."

"You're right," she was about to say more, when a muscle cramp in her calf made her gasp in pain.

"Sit down, I'll massage it out for you.  Sprinting home and no cool down walk, that's definitely not good for your legs." He got some muscle cream and began to work on her leg.  The cramp released. "Go take a hot shower, you'll feel better afterwards."

"Thank you." She took a long, hot shower.  It helped her muscles, but the scent of the guy wouldn't wash off.  In pyjamas was how she joined Ethan for the food he'd brought home earlier.

"Better?" He asked.

"My legs are fine," Tara replied.


"No I think I'll just go to bed, we have a long day tomorrow."

He nodded, but when he went to hug her, she flinched involuntarily.  Realizing she was still in shock, he took no offence.  "Alright, have a good sleep, tomorrow will be a better day."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

It wasn't long before a nightmare gripped Tara's mind, making her relive the mugging.  She screamed and woke to Ethan calling her name.  She bolted upright shaking.  This time his touch was  comforting.

"You're okay, all safe."  He went to leave and she grabbed his hand.

"Could.. could you stay and just hold me?"

If the situation hadn't been so serious earlier, her timid question would've been almost cute.  "Sure, let me just turn off the lights and lock up."  Ethan did as he said, brushed his teeth and changed.  

"Can you leave the light on?" Tara asked as he returned, wearing a t-shirt and boxer shorts.

"Yup, now move over."  He got into her bed, under the covers.

"I'm sorry... you don't need this drama right before the performance date."

He rolled onto his side and looked at her, head supported by his hand.  "This wasn't your fault, you didn't go looking for trouble."  

She rolled over, back facing him so he couldn't see her tears. He spooned her, putting an arm over and pulling her closer.  At first she was totally tense from head to toe.  

"You're safe with me Tara.  Just take some deep breaths and think about a place that makes you happy," Ethan coached softly into her ear.

The farm where she'd grown up, slowly took shape behind her closed eyes.  Her breathing slowed and the sandman finally came.  When her body relaxed, Ethan knew she was sleeping.  He watched her breathing and raised an eyebrow when her rear wiggled and pushed up against his crotch.  If she kept doing that, he'd end up poking her awake.  Instead he waited until she settled and left the bed.  On his way out, he left her door open, so if another nightmare came, he'd be there in seconds. Having her want him in her bed, he'd hoped for, but never like this.

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