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The nightmare came back three more nights in a row.  As she became more tired, they came multiple times in a night. Tara finally asked if Ethan would sleep beside her the whole night.  She felt like a child for having to have someone be there, but he didn't tease her about it at all.  The first nightmare came, where she felt the blade pressing against her neck.  He rocked her until she was okay.  She didn't wake and he rolled over.  At 3 am the second one hit.  

Ethan didn't wake her this time either, instead just talked into her ear.  He rolled until he was spooning her.  Tara didn't wake and the nightmare that ran through her mind, finally went away.  What he hadn't expected was her talking in her sleep.

"I love you Ethan," Tara said in her sleep.

Not realizing she wasn't awake he asked, "what?"

"I'm scared, of hurting you and of my heart breaking," Tara continued.  "I've always loved you, admired...."

The last bit he didn't understand and she rolled over and stopped talking.  He wondered if she'd remember it in the morning.  At least he knew that she still had feelings for him, even if she couldn't say it when she was conscious.  He shook his head, caressed a hair off her face and lay back down.

"Woman, what am I going to do about you?" He sighed.  Unable to fall back asleep, he watched the hours tick away on the clock.  A smile formed on his lips, when the alarm made Tara groan.

"Today is final dress rehearsal isn't it?" Tara grumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"That it is.  Coffee?" Ethan asked, getting out of her bed.

"That sounds divine.  You can have the shower first... I need a few more minutes.  Wake me up when you're done."  She rolled to her side, pillow over her head.

He got up, set the coffee maker and then went into the shower.  He didn't have to wake her when he was done. She was sipping coffee in the kitchen.

"I didn't wake up last night, so I guess you don't need to sleep beside me anymore." Tara announced, looking at him over the ridge of her coffee cup.

He shrugged and said nothing, rubbing his hair with a towel.  A cup of coffee later and he looked in the fridge for food.  Ethan heard her put thecup in the dishwasher and then the bathroom door close.  Not liking the options for breakfast, he skipped it and got ready for work.

"I'll stop at a cafe on the way," he said to her as they left.

"Need to go grocery shopping?" Tara grinned.

He nodded, "are you sure you're okay with dancing Sarah's part? Her ankle is still swollen."

They talked about the performance and both were excited to show everyone what they'd done.  A friend from work would be video recording the whole thing.  It would be a big night for Ethan, but he kept his focus on the task at hand.  That way nerves would be kept at bay.  

Tara went to make sure Sarah's costume fit her and then joined the others warming up.  Everyone took their places and Ethan started the music. He called out a few corrections, but happy smiles ended the performance.

"That was excellent, see you all tomorrow night at the CCCB."

The group clapped and then packed up their gear. Tara changed, then returned to the studio.  Ethan was still busy elsewhere, so she plugged in her phone, not having had time to get a new mp3 player. Music poured out and she danced, just for the joy of it.  Energy she had in abundance today.  Why hadn't she spent a summer with Ethan before? Dancing without pressure, was exactly what her teachers had suggested she do in the past.

"You'll blow third year away," Ethan said as he leaned against the wall, watching her.

"Thanks, this has been an amazing summer so far.  I should've done this a long time ago."

"What dance?" He asked.

Tara stopped moving, "yes that and spending it with you.  But I do miss Kat."

"So do I.  Miss Movie Star has little time for us unknowns."

"Is she happy?" Tara asked.

"Yes and our parents are satisfied too."

She put on her track pants and a t-shirt, "has your dad gotten off your back yet?"

He chuckled, "he's still disappointed that I didn't take the company's contract."

"What, that was years ago.  Seriously?"

"Yeah I know.  I'll never live that down," Ethan said with a little disgust.

"Well he's blind, you're a fantastic choreographer and tomorrow night you'll prove it again.  He's just jealous that you're better than him," Tara complimented.

Ethan smiled and said, "I knew there was a reason I've kept you around... my personal cheering section."

Tara punched his arm, "I'll pay for dinner, if you drive us somewhere."

"Deal, let me grab some stuff and I'll meet you at the car."

They drove up Career Gran de Garcia and went to the Mc Donald's.  Both had a Big Mac meal and washed it down with pop. Tara gave her fries to Ethan, as she didn't want an upset stomach.  Next they went back to his flat, changed and sat on the balcony discussing tomorrow night.

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