CHAPTER #12- Epilogue

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Tara had completed third year and was offered a five year contract by the National Ballet Company.  She turned it down and chose to take the contract from Inception's directors, so that she could be with Ethan.  To her parents she explained that the right choice sometimes wasn't always the easy choice.  But to make the deal even sweeter, Inception sent her to Russia and Paris, for a few months to study ballet there.  Her dreams kept coming true.  She found out later, that they were developing a world tour of Thumbelina, which Ethan would choreograph.  Even though she auditioned with the other dancers, they had long ago planned to make her the lead. They wanted to keep him happy, as they loved his innovative ideas.  The fact that he composed original music for some of their exhibitions, was just an added bonus.

It didn't take long for Ethan and Tara to become the new power couple of the dance world.  What surprised them, was when Sebastian, Ethan's father, finally admitted that his son had become a world class choreographer.  He also approved of Tara, as Ethan's wife.  As promised they had a two year engagement.  Abigail and Kat helped plan the wedding.  Everyone attended, all their academy friends and business colleagues.  Kayla and Christian came, with separate dates.  The wedding was even published in Dance magazine.

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One evening, Ethan and Tara lay embraced in bed.  "Do you remember when you said I would be a star, even if I wasn't with the company?"

He thought a moment, "you were picking clovers and thought you might not return to the academy."

Tara nodded, "I had wanted you to be right.  When you left for Barcelona, I had thought that I was going to show you that I would be so good, that the world couldn't ignore me.  I had wanted you at my side, but could never have dreamed any of this."

"Neither did I, but I could never stay away from you long.  It's like an invisible force, pulls me to you."

"Kat always use to tease me, when I said I could feel when you were around, long before we could see you.  Do you think it's karma or fait?"

He shrugged and kissed her questions away.  "We have courage, you and I.  We take wrong turns, talk to strangers and open unmarked doors.  If you see a group of people in a field, you go find out what they are doing.  We do things without always knowing how they'll turn out.  Somethings in life just can't be predicted and together we will continue to embrace the next adventure."

They did exactly that, including having twins in the future.  The boy was named Sammy and the girl was Elettra.  Tara took time off from dancing to be a mother.  Ethan made sure he always had time for his son, daughter and wife. This was something he had vowed to do so as not to be like his father. Like any family, they had rocky moments that tested their love.  When they felt lost, their friends helped them reunite.  Ethan's promise to Tara's dad, of never betraying her or breaking her heart, he always kept.  Sometimes they would exchange harsh words, but never so much that they hurt each other deeply.  Their children taught them how to communicate, give from the heart and to love unconditionally. 

Life was a challenge, but together they not only survived, but proved to all that they had ever lasting true love. Just like when dancing, their purpose in life was not to get to a certain place, but to enjoy each step along the way.


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