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Ethan could tell that Tara's father was testing him.  He was use to blisters on his feet, not on his hands, but that didn't stop him from working hard.  He wanted the man to approve of him, since he had become Tara's boyfriend.  She still hadn't told her parents what had happened between her and Christian.  In the end, Ethan lost his cool and told Tara's father off.

"Christian broke Tara's heart.  I'd expect you of all people, to want a guy who'd never betray your daughter."

"You think you're that guy?"

Ethan's anger broke, "I'd never hurt Tara like he did.  She caught Christian in bed with another woman.  He destroyed her.  If that's the kind of man you approve of, then you're right I will never be like him."  He got on the four-wheeler and rode off.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Tara came back with more wire and found out what had transpired.  She confirmed what had happened with her father.  "Ethan has always been supportive of me.  I love him dad.  Christian and I are just friends.  I can forgive him, but I'll never trust him again."

"I'm sorry... for everything.  I'll talk to Ethan later, once he cools down."

"I'll go find him," Tara said.  The stream she'd taken him to on horseback, is where she found Ethan.  "Dance with me?"  She asked holding out her hand.

"I told your dad what happened with Christian.  I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

"It's okay, I should've said something to my mom and dad sooner."

He nodded and then they danced.  Ethan could tell that she loved dancing in the grass in her bare feet.  Her smile radiated happiness and she laughed with joy, when he picked her up above his head.  He took her through her presage lift, fish dive, cambre press lift and shoulder lift.  He made it so easy, even the arabesque and forte turns in the grass, were okay.

"I don't want you to leave yet," Tara complained.

"It's still two days away." Ethan hugged her and then they kissed for at least five minutes, but who was counting.

"That's still too soon!"

"Once you're back at the academy, you'll be too busy to even miss me."

She groaned, "I hope you're wrong."

Eventually they returned to the house.  She saw her dad waiting for them and he asked to speak to Ethan alone.  Mr. Webster apologized for giving Ethan a hard time.  "I guess my trust was misplaced."

"I'm sorry for loosing my temper, but you have to know I would never betray her."

Mr. Webster nodded, "I think I've known that all along... you're in love with Tara?"

"Yes sir, I always have been....  Actually I've been meaning to talk to you about that.... I'd like to ask for your permission to marry Tara.  The engagement would be a few years, since she would need to decide what she wants to do after the academy...."  Ethan held his breath, scared of her father's reply, after everthing that had happened that day.

"Whatever she decides, her mother and I will approve.  My little girl is all grown up and it will be you're responsibility to take care of her."

They shook hands, "thank you sir, your blessing means everything to me."

"How do you plan on asking her?"

Ethan told Mr. Webster his plan, they worked out details together.  They had time to pull it off, since Tara still had to complete third year.  That night at dinner, Ethan finally felt accepted by her family. To him, that meant the visit to the farm was successful.   They invited him back for Christmas, warning him that over 50 people would also be coming.  Tara's dad winked at him.  Then her parents left, to visit friends at a neighbouring farm, to give them privacy.  It gave the lovers a chance to be physically united for possibly the last time for a few months.  But, when they heard the dogs barking to announce her parents had returned, Ethan left her bed and went to his own.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Then it was their last day.  Tara would be driven back to the academy and Ethan would take a return flight to Barcelona- Spain.  Neither wanted to leave the other, both promised to use video chat to stay in touch.  

"I love you Ethan," Tara blurted as he removed his luggage from the car, at the airport.

He smiled and gave her a passionate kiss.  "I love you more. See you at Christmas."

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