Boris x ink illness! Fox! Fem! Reader (Pt. 1)

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Requested by: foxfern

BTW!, This takes place before the 2 sets of bros 'join forces'!

(Y/N) = First name

(L/N) = Last name

[This is a fem reader today...]

(Y/N) was walking down the street, not paying any mind to where she was going, putting on a false smile. No one knew about her problem, or how badly she was in pain, but she was determined to not let her facade slip in front of these people. Skipping along, (Y/N) heard a weird sound, almost as if someone was puking up their guts. Turning a corner, (Y/N) caught sight of a tail, a wolf tail to be exact, stepping into the alley way, the innocent looking girl slowly approached a wolf looking cartoon, from the back, he looked pretty tall, a bandanna poking out from his neck. He appeared to be hovering over something. That 'something' turned out to be the someone puking their guts out. "Excuse me," (Y/N) began, smiling a sweet and innocent smile to them, earning the attention of the 'wolf', "But do you need any assistance?" She finished, still smiling.

"B-Boris" croaked the one crouching over the ink stains that had just come from his stomach.

"Yeah bro?" Asked the taller one, 'Boris' (Y/N) put a label on his appearance.

"D-don't let h-her see m-me l-like this," He croaked, barley finishing, as he hurls up more ink, the liquid making a light Splat sound as it hit the concrete floor of the alleyway.

(Y/N) being quick as ever, brought out her pills for the ink illness. Taking out two, but hiding the second in her other hand, so they don't become suspicious of her anymore then her just having the pills. "Here you go! It's some medication, it will take away the pain of it!" Boris stared at the pill, seeing that it looks like the ink pills Bendy should take.

"Wait-" Boris is cut of by Bendy hurling up more ink. "Fine..." He took the pill and gave it to the mystery man. The male taking the pill and he slowly starts to feel the pain leak from his body. (Y/N), hoping that they weren't watching her, quickly took a pill, hoping that it wasn't too late.

"W-well, i'm glad that i was able to help you," (Y/N) began, feeling that she had taken the pill too late, "B-but I REALLY must be going!" She didn't wait for a response as she dashed out of the alleyway, towards the forest, hoping that no one will find her while she has an 'episode'.

}Time skip cause i'm low on time at the moment!{

{Cuphead's POV}

Where could those two have gone? They are getting close to the parts they need! Cuphead thought, not noticing the sounds of someone hurling up a liquid that made a small plunk sound as it hit ground, mixing with the other pools of liquid.

{Third POV}

Cuphead stepped into a small puddle of something making a squelching sound, looking down, he noticed a strange blackish liquid. Looking around he spotted a girl, she was dry heaving over a puddle of black ink. Cuphead looked down at the girl, "You okay?" he asked the girl, who in response nodded her head, she sat back and wiped her mouth. She took out a bottle of unmarked pills and takes one out, popping it into her mouth while starring at the male. "H-hiya sir!" She said, her voice quickly hiding the pain that she was feeling. The girl stood up, wiping her clothes off, making it appear as if nothing had happened. "Sorry for getting your boots all dirty!" The girl fretted, making sure to walk around the puddle, grabbing cuphead's hand and pulling him out of the puddle.

{Your POV}

'I can't believe i just did that...' You thought to your self, quickly bending down to wipe the strangers boots off. "Umm, please don't tell anyone about this!" You say, as you stand.

The male looked confused as you turned on your heel and skipped away, leaving him to be lost in thought. You quickly hide in your house, making sure that the stranger hadn't followed you. "That was too close!" You say, walking to your fridge to find something to fill your now empty stomach.


I think most of my stories will CONTINUE to be in parts, because i'm dealing with some MAJOR writer' block!

~Your lovable author, BlueBerry!

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