Cuphead X Minx!reader (Pt. 2)

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat in my tree, still pouting about what had transpired before hand. 


The wind tugged at my fur, not loosening my death grip on the certain cup in front of me. I was panicking, my body telling me that if I don't stop soon i'm gonna lose all the contents in my stomach. As I felt Cuphead stop, I couldn't move. I felt him pick me up, which woke up my mind, making me jump up into a tree, sending him a glare. 


I felt my stomach growl, a pain shooting through my abdomen. My head jerked towards the smell of food, and sounds of people talking. I jumped from the tree landing gracefully on the ground. I began to creep to the camp, and heard in the distance, "Oh right, I only packed for the four of us, except Felix and (Y/N)." Coming from Boris and heard Felix reply with "It's okay Boris, I packed my own bowl!" 

'Welp' I thought to myself, trying to come up with a solution to our problem. I krept closer to the camp, my ears on high alert for anyone. I had a plan! 

~~Time Skip~~

          I ran, my (F/C) tail being pulled back by the wind, my ears twisted around to the loud, and threateningly quick, crunching of footsteps behind me. "(Y/NNNNNNNN)! GIVE ME BACK MY BOWL!!!" I head Cuphead shout, his voice echoing throughout the forest. 

          I had decided to steal Cuphead's bowl, seeing as he scared the daylights out of me earlier. Plus, I was hungry... So why not? I rushed towards my tree, preparing my legs for the long jump ahead of me, preparing myself for the precise balance I was going to need for this stunt.

          I sprung from the ground, my (F/C) fur blowing in the wind behind me. I sensed rather then felt the tree's branch beneath me, before I was in range to land. I took a mental list of everything around me, how I was able to see everything in such clarity, it was as if time had slowed to a halt, but I could tell it was just my mind raging from the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I could see Cuphead's face slowly, almost achingly slow, shift from one of playful anger, to one of complete and utter shock, with hints of fear lacing it.

         My mind snapped back into reality when I felt the rough bark of the tree beneath my boots, my long agile tail slashing out from where it was, trying to steady my body's balance. I stood there for a second, then started to climb the tree higher, bowl in one hand, using the other to help me climb. 

         I sat near the top of the tree, a near empty bowl of soup in y hands. I could hear Cuphead complaining about me stealing his bowl, his voice carrying up from under my tree. I quickly drank the last of the soup, my stomach finally quite complaining. I slowly crept towards where Cuphead's voice was coming from, another cheeky plan hatching in my mind. 

         I waited until I was directly above him, before I dropped onto his back.

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