Newt! Look out!

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The three words rang out in his ears like a blast from a muggle's gun. Wand raised but now frozen at the sight. 'MACUSA hadn't even been able to hold on to him for at least a day?' Newt thought to himself, visibly swallowing and taking a step backwards. The darkest wizard in the world (In Newt's eyes of course) stood in the rubble of what was now a building.

Newt, Tina, and Queenie had all been sharing a very enjoyable lunch at the restaurant across the street when they had heard spells and witnessed first hand flashes of magic whizzing by. (Yes he had decided to post pone his going back to England at Tina's last request, along with Clyde his Niffler getting a slight cold).

Newt shook his head forcing himself to focus as the wizard turned his cold gray-blue eyes to him, a sly smirk pulling at his lips. With dread filling him he realized what the other Alpha smelled. He took a step back, holding his wand tighter, hand starting to shake slightly with the force of him holding Grindelwald's gaze. It was, as he remembered his grandmother stating in a cold and furious tone, "Improper for an Omega to do such." Besides Omegas nor Betas were supposed to hold an Alphas gaze for too long, it meant a challenge if they did, a threat.

Newt took a glance back and wished he hadn't, her last words screaming in his head now "Newt! Look out!" He took a step back his eyes wide. Of course he had seen the flash, the green echoing and clashing against a fallen piece of debris behind and to his left of them. The chunk of debris had blocked the spell, destroying the massive piece in the process but that wasn't what his attention was caught on... It couldn't be.

His breath caught in his throat, eyes wide with horror at the sight before him. Tears stinging at the back of his eyes, begging to be set free. "N-No..." Newt hadn't even realized he was down on his knees, back now to Grindelwald and wand rolling free from his loosened grasp. He saw movement out the corner of his eye, not completely registering it. Not worried about it. That was until his chin was forced upward, his eyes followed the slender build of a pale, bone-like wand up to the owner's hand, chest, and head, to finally meet his eyes. Grindelwald held Newt's gaze, a deep thoughtful look in his eyes.

Slowly crouching down, wand pushing back into Newt's neck to keep his head up, Grindelwald studied him closer, leaning forward and making Newt lean back (not that he was too opposed to getting further from the dark wizard.). He quickly stopped though when the wand was suddenly dug into the bottom of his jaw. The Omega flinched, a surprised and pained expression crossing over his face which he quickly masked into a harsh glare aimed up at the Alpha.

Still studying the Omega on his knees before him, Grindelwald finally speaks, tone clear and full of knowing, though of what, Newt hadn't the faintest ideas. "I look forward to meeting you again, Newton. Until the meantime."

Newt stared, openly and mouth slightly parted at Grindelwald, or rather his words. When in a change of events a suddenly very familiar wand was being pointed directly into his own face, his own. Matching with it, a new sentence from the Dark Lord as he leaned down even closer this time to the point where Newt could feel Grindelwald's  breath ghosting across his face as his magic seemed to wrap around Newt ever so briefly as if in search of something.

Just as fast as the surprisingly warm magic circled around him, it was gone. Newt looked up, meeting the Alpha's gaze confused and startled at the sudden intrusiveness of the others magic on himself. "What was that fo-" Newt began only to rudely be cut off near the end of his sentence. "-You make a mess wherever you go Scamander... If I were you I'd be careful just who you anger." With no further words his own mother-of-pearl wand was handed back to him.

No curses, hexes, or any other magical spell seemed to come his way, even as he slowly reached up wrapping his left hand around his wand, feeling the familiar pulse of magic surge through him comforting the kneeling wizard. Looking down at his wand Newt frowns confused. Nothing about it was different... Grindelwald took one last longing glare the omega's way then vanished leaving behind his parting words, "You might want to keep a better check on what's yours."

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