"It's the truth!"

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When Newt felt himself coming to, blinking his eyes or at least trying to, his eyes held themselves stubbornly shut. He began to hear blurry but familiar voices. He knew them! Those voices but couldn't place a name or face to them. Newt desperately tried to blink open his eyes again, paranoia rising in his chest as he felt someone lay their- What he assumed to be-hand against his eye-lids, keeping them shut.

"Shhhhh, my dear." That oh-so-familiar voice cooed to him. Newt took in a deep breath, panicking more and more as the seconds ticked by. The hand-still assuming- was pressing firmly against his eyes, another coming up to rest on his chest. He grimaced from the still healing ribs of his and-

"Grindelwald..." Newt barely said over a whisper, flinching away from the hand that now pressed firmly down on to his ribs. Newt let out a hiss, trying to move his hands up only to realize they were still restrained. Memories of just a few hours prior flooded his mind like a dam bursting.

He tried to curl up, tried to calm his breathing, tried to stop the urge to throw up. He couldn't breath, the hand lifted up from his eyes and he snapped them open with a final desperate gasp of air. Seeing the surprised face of Grindelwald, standing beside him and looking down to stare in shock. Graves standing perfectly fine hardly a few foot steps away. He blinked, his eyes watering and burning up from the need to do so. Newt tried to pull, yank, tear away from the cuffs to claw at his throat. He couldn't breath! Tears were openly streaming down his face as he hunched down as much as he could, curling up until he was forced flat on his back.

He heard their voices speaking hurriedly, became dimly aware of the loud sound of someone apparating and then a door slamming open. A needle pushed deep into his arm. His body stared jerking from the need of air he couldn't receive. Immediately his body reacted to whatever had been injected in his arm.

Newt could breath again! He took in a deep demanding gasp, then felt someone's hands wrap around his own. They had gotten around his neck without him noticing. He shuddered still breathing heavily and letting the person take both his hands, letting them fall limp to his side as he listening to the dull and droning voices around him.

"... Choked hisself around you?! What help was that?!" Newt managed to blink open his blurry-with-tears eyes. He barely saw the form of his brother, pinning who he thought to be his best friend against the wall. Wand raised to his throat. "Th-" He inhaled sharply, tears pricking at his eyes at the intense pain, throbbing in his throat. His hands rose again apparently to his throat. He rubbed it and grimaced. Newt rubbed his eyes afterwards and blinked, seeing Theseus's wand glowing blue.

Newt coughed weakly and watched as Theseus barreled towards him. "Newt!! Are you okay? The Nurses were called and well... They said that Percival called them, saying that you started choking yourself, while-mind you- you were still dead asleep. How did you manage that?" He watched as his brother's face turned from a forced joking one to a serious one. "Newt... Why were you choking yourself..?" His brother leaned in and rested a hand on top of Newt's. Newt jerked back and let out a strangled cry, gripping his throat again afterwards. Theseus immediately retracted his hand, concern clear on his face. "I'm sorry... The electricity.." Newt nodded his head weakly, hardly remembering the medics mentioning briefly about how he may have uncontrollable spasms because of all of the electricity his body had to output. Thanks to a certain mate of his...

Newt slowly laid back down, still seeing Grindelwald and feeling his magic near. His eyes opened again and he watched as Grindelwald's figure slowly moved around the room, towards the window. Stopping he gave Newt a smirk that sent his blood running cold through his veins. Newt froze, heart beat bursting to a new speed as he began to associate his new found mate to pain.

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