"Arresto Momentum."

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He was on the run, that was his only thought, breathing heavily suit case clutched tightly in his hand as his blue cloak whipped out behind him as he ran literally for his life. He dodged an oncoming tree just in time to hear chains wrap around it. Taking in another deep breath he tasted and almost choked on the smell the other Alpha was giving out - victory - And suddenly Newt found himself at a dead end, a tall barren rock wall in front of his path too big to scale and with little to no magic left from his earlier fight he was left with no other choice but to face the Alpha, his worst nightmare.

Newt looked around, gaze frantic, his instincts took over, body going into flight mode, eyes going wide to see everything around hisself. He caught a whine in the back of his throat choking even more on Grindelwald's scent as the alpha neared.
"C'mon Scamander!! Think!" Newt reprimanded himself frowning as he chewed on his lip. He casted a simple spell to reveal any wards around himself or the area. Smiling he quickly began to run around every tree in the area, resting his hand for a few moments on the bark of a rough pine tree. A snapping twig had him scrambling up the tree across from where he just was. He forced his breathing to go slower, closing his eyes and casting the strongest Disillusionment Charm he could with the little to no magic he had left.

Barely seconds went by and a group of six (from what he could tell) wizards and witches were searching, wands glowing brightly ready to use. He squeezed his eyes shut pressing his case close to his chest.

"Hey! His stench is all over here!" The sound of a sharp and precise apparition made Newt glance down below him. Gellert Grindelwald! Was standing in the clearing a few trees away from where Newt hid. Newt tucked in his magic as much as he could, not willing to let himself be caught from it. Down below Grindelwald swiftly approached the arrogant seeming alpha that had called Newt's scent a stench grabbing the alpha around the collar Newt watched stunned as Gellert punched him, breaking the alpha's nose and making blood splatter across the grass. Newt had to fight back a gasp biting down on his lip and drawing blood.

Realising him, Newt watched as his mate scowled in clear disgust at the other alpha letting him drop to the ground as he brings out a handkerchief to wipe away the blood on his knuckles. "You'd do well to remember your place Sarv. My mate is far above you, actually to the point that you will never pass him." Crouching beside the fallen wizard Gellert gave him a coy smile, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. "Let's not have this end like Krall.." Newt leaned slightly forward unable to hear exactly what the alpha had said to the fallen one but judging by the fallen wizard with the broken nose's expression was nothing good as he had paled shaking his head immediately, loudly pledging his allegiance only to Gellert.

Newt adjusted his grip on his case as Grindelwald nodded his head; smile back in place as the wizard healed his nose and stood slowly back up not wanting to anger Grindelwald further. Newt holds his magic even closer as Gellert walks under his tree and back facing him calls to the witches and wizards. "Vonda, be a dear and go to Vinda for me? Tell her to bring..." Gesturing the woman names Vonda closer, Gellert leaned down and spoke softly in her ear. Afterwards Newt watched as Vonda quickly teleported away. Tilting his head Newt grew curious as to what his mate had told her to do. Still staying quiet as a mouse he balanced himself on the thick tree branch closing his eyes and holding his breath and magic tighter when Gellert walks back the way he came underneath his tree again.

Gellert waves the rest off, above the cliff face that Newt had just faced, making them track for him up there. Newt knew they wouldn't find any of his scent up there, knowing that, he quickly looks down at Gellert. 'Gellert must know of that as well then... he's the most attuned to my scent after all.' Newt frowns and shivers at the thought missing Tina with a pang. 'So either Gellert knows I'm here somewhere... and he wanted to get them away.... or he truly doesn't know but sent them to search further just in case-' Newt's thoughts freeze as he sees Queenie approaching Grindelwald. Newt wants to jump between them, to hide Queenie from the other male so that he won't use her. Newt chomps down on his lip hard in an effort to stop himself from yelling out to her as he watches Grindelwald approach her bending down to kiss the back of her hand he smirks up at the witch with that dazzling and knowing smile of his. Newt's breathing hitches and he swallows harder for a moment wishing that to be him in her place. As soon as the thought enters his mind it's gone a flash of frustration running through him at the thought of anyone else but Tina as his other half.

All those that had been searching with Grindelwald had been alphas. Now with Queenie out searching as a level headed and calm Beta they had more of a chance to find him, not to mention that she could simple use her uniqueness to read his mind. Queenie not for a second thinking anything of Grindelwald's display timidly asks what he needs of her. Newt wants to yell and cry out, to tell her not to do anything the alpha asks of her, to go back to Jacob and live happily ever after together, though he knows already this won't happen. Not now at least.

With a heavy and still quiet sigh he hugs his case closely, wrapping a spare arm around the tree for balance. 'It'll be okay. She may be able to read my thoughts but can she really locate me based off of them?' Newt found himself asking as he was suddenly whisked out of his tree, clawing it and gasping trying to dig his nails into the tree bark he was quickly pulled off and away from the tree causing it to shake some, yanking his case up at the last second he squirmed in the person's magic that held him. Suddenly the person lifting him up let his magic fall off of him causing Newt to fall to the ground. Just before the ground hit him he heard someone murmur a faint "Arresto Momentum." Letting his body hover five feet above the ground before slowly lowering him down as if he were glass that would shatter upon the impact. Newt couldn't bring it to meet the person's gaze that had taken him down from his tree. Finally after a long stretch of silence he looked up, surprise clear in all of his features at who stood there waiting to greet him.

*Side Note*

I do not own ANY of the artwork seen in this story, ALL credit goes to their proper creators!

Word Count: 1,200 Exactly! (How strange!)

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