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Her shoulders slowly lengthened, becoming wider. Newt's first clue. As she faced him her jaw became more angular and pointy like. The second. Queenie's smile seeming now only all too bright for him, as her eyes slowly melted away and changed to their natural owner's colours. One, a deep endless pool of blackness, the other an iceberg blue.

"I can't believe that worked." The male stated, proud but also appalled. All Newt could do was sit there on the floor just wondering how he hadn't seen any of the signs before, but thanking Merlin's life on the fact that he had left his case in the cottage. If worse came to worse then he'd somehow get word to someone and let them know where his case was. Even if it meant giving up his private little cottage.

"How?" Newt ground his teeth together silently berating himself for not noticing any of the signs of transfiguration or poly juice potion. "Like I said Love, I put a tracker on you; When you were in the hospital. I can't have my little mate running all about without some way to track him. That's just not very alpha like now is it?" Mocking. Gellert. Grindelwald. Was. Mocking. Him.

Newt took a deep breath in
And then let it all out.

"First off: thats an invasion to my privacy! You can't just put a tracker on me-" "Actually we ARE mates so it isn't." "I am my own free willed body. There's nothing anybody can do to stop that so I'm sorry you haven't quiet gotten that picture yet." Newt began again bitterness clinging to his tone. "And really?! As Queenie? Why? And where is she? Did you hurt her?!" Faster than a Zouwo could pounce Newt had his wand at his mates neck, a furious tone set deep in his face. "Easy now there Newt. You don't want to do something you'll regret." "Oh? Really? You're going to be saying that right now? If I was half the man my brother was I would end this right here and now." "But you won't." The tone was soothing as Gellert gently pushed the wand from his throat, making sure to talk in a lower tone letting some of his alpha voice creep in to help calm the younger Scamander brother.

Newt let in a deep breath and promptly pushed it back out through his nose in a snort. "Right." He grumbled voice leaking with sarcasm. "Where. Is. Queenie." "Oh and what will you do, my love if I do not say?" Gellert mocked a bow gently taking Newt's hand and laying a kiss on the back of it. Newt scowled and flushed at the older wizard's behavior. "Just tell me where she is so I can-" -"What? 'Rescue' her too?" Gellert laughed aloud at his own words. Newt on the other hand flinched. Every spare second he felt his body changing, being near his alpha was soon going to make his body do the most natural and in this scenario horrible thing it could possibly do; betray himself.

Newt knew he had to keep the dark Lord from noticing the slight change in his scent, and the way he was slowly heating up. "Just tell me where Queenie is and I'll get out of your pineapple hair!" Gellert raised an eyebrow at his words turning back to face him, having turned his back to rant on about something Newt wasn't too concerned about. "What did you just call me?" Newt's gaze slid back to the floor having lost all of the short lived confidence he had before. "U-Umm p-Pineapples! I want some pineapples. They're... They're the Niffler's favourite since they remind him of gold." Newt quickly said even though he knew that Gellert would probably see through the lie. His alpha took him by surprise though as he bowed low again and tilted his head up smirking at him. "Anything for you my love." Two pineapples appeared on a nearby table all cut up in fancy glass crested bowls designs all over the outside of the bowls. Newt blinked and swallowed nodding his head. "I-I'll have to Umm go-go back now and get my case-" -"Nonsense! Here you go." And in Gellert's hands was Newt's worn down brown case. Newt sucked in air through his teeth tensing up nervously. He took a step towards him and then another when Gellert motioned him forward.

Newt took his case back with a smile from his mate quickly turned around and tried to apparate away, only to be crouching in the same spot holding his abdomen as agony raced through his entire being. Gellert had of course put anti-apparition wards up. Newt shook his head as he heard a laugh. 'Why didn't I think of that sooner?' he grunted to himself slowly rising and clutching his case close. Afraid the alpha might take it and decide to kill his creatures for trying to apparate away. "I'm not mad Newt. It's only natural. We haven't become..." he drifted off and was suddenly pressing Newt against the wall, his case thrown to the side on the ground, Gellert's hand working its way up his shirt to rest on his stomach as the alpha leaned forward a hair away from their lips touching; he whispered "Acquainted like I would've liked us to be." Newt managed to turn his head away forcing himself to stop the whine that threatened to come out. The submissive whine.

"Whe-Where is Queenie?" Newt asked again licking his dried lips hating how the alpha watched him. Gellert sighed through his nose and gestured for him to follow. "We can't get to know each other until you're solely focused on me. Only me Newt. I am the only one who accepts your job and who you are." Gellert grumbled as Newt followed behind him. Newt rolled his eyes and silently ignored the alpha's words knowing them not to be true. Gellert silently opened up a bedroom door and Newt was taken surprise by Queenie.



*Side Note*

I do not own ANY of the artwork seen in this story, ALL credit goes to their proper creators!

Word Count: 1,014

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