Getting Acquainted

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Queenie was standing in front of a full sized mirror that sat on claws which rested on the floor. Newt didn't even care about the fact that he had probably wrinkled the dress that Queenie was holding, was it pink? He didn't care so long as he knew she was alright. Newt finally pulled away when his sensitive nose picked up the scent of an angry alpha. He huffed at Grindelwald and began focusing on Queenie. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Why are you here?" "Oh honey calm down with all of the questions, here let's have some tea while we talk. Gellert would you like to join us?" Queenie asked him with an open smile towards the said alpha. Gellert shook his head sighing through his nose. "No I have work to attend to. I'll be back later to collect him though." The Dark Lord said as he closed the door, leaving.

Newt stared at her with wide eyes full of wonder. "What in Merlin's beard was that Queenie?! A smile?! To him?! What's wrong with you!" "Oh Newt you don't understand!" Queenie said as she made a tea pot appear with two cups and saucers beneath them. "What type of tea would you like?" She gave Newt a smile, one that Newt could clearly see how happy she was. "What spell did he cast on you Queenie?" Newt briskly asked stepping closer examining her eyes which looked completely normal. He frowned and quickly pulled out his wand casting a full body spell to detect if she was being Imperio'd or anything else of the sort. "Queenie... Tell me... Tell me you didn't come here of your free will?" Newt stared at her almost desperately wanting to hear that she had been captured and forcibly held captive, that she wasn't trying to dress herself up for an ignorant, know-it-all alpha who wanted to rule the world. "Newt.." she began biting her lip and trailing off she looked away sighing. Dropping the light pink and frilly dress onto the bed she looked into the mirror meeting his gaze through it. "I can't do that. I'm happy here, with him and Vinda, she's a trip you know. Though I haven't quiet gotten the hang of reading her yet." "He's using you!-" Before Newt could say anything else Queenie nearly shoved a cup of tea into his hands. Giving him a tense smile she spoke again. "Camomile tea. To help calm your nerves darlin'." Newt's frown turned even more as he shook his head sniffing the tea and not finding anything wrong with it he drank deeply from the cup.

"Queenie we have to go." "But so soon?" "Queenie you know I'm just trying to help you right?" Newt ran a hand through his coppery hair. "Yes but I'm trying to help you. Drink some more you look dehydrated darlin'." She filled up his cup after he finished it. Barely just realising that he had sat on a long (of course pink) couch. As he was just about to take another sip of his tea he tilted his head which was becoming fuzzy. Why were they fighting? Where was he trying to go? He groaned rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding his cup. "Why haven't you drank any tea Queenie?" Newt felt himself slur her name and his frown deepened. "Oh shhh it's okay Newt." He suddenly felt a pressure on both of his shoulders, rubbing circles on them he glanced back seeing a fuzzy image of Queenie who made him stare ahead. When she was done with his shoulders she guided him to the bed telling him to rest. Newt nearly collapsed on top of it, not remembering the last time he had been this tired. Face planting into the bed he sighed inhaling sharply when he felt even more pressure on his back. Having taken his coat off feeling very hot he laid on his stomach wearing his shirt and undershirt along with his vest.

Newt couldn't help the moan that left his lips when she began to knead into his back with her fists. He squirmed some everytime she did it, whining softly as his cheeks filled a rosey red colour. "Q-Queenie s-stop.." he managed to finally get out, noticing how he began to breath heavier. He pushed her hands away attempting to roll over to rise when he was suddenly stopped and picked up. Newt's glazed over eyes blearily picked up the form of his alpha 'No, Grindelwald.' He silently corrected his brain. Newt stared up into his eyes when he heard the alpha chuckle, probably having read his mind.

Newt glared, or tried to at the alpha, barely moving around though he tried with all his might to make himself rise and escape Gellert's grasp. As Gellert walked down the halls with his omega Newt's eyes began to close. A pure obsidian Like door ahead was the last thing Newt saw before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed fully into his alpha's arms. His last thought 'Not my alpha...'


*Side Note*

I do not own ANY of the artwork seen in this story, ALL credit goes to their proper creators!

Word Count: 857

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