"The Trust You Give.."

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Warning if you are sensitive to animals being hunted/and/or being eaten do not read parts marked inside * *.

A few weeks later Newt had found himself in the exact same situation. Though this time to his much delight the female wolf seemed to show some sort of interest in him. Even going so far as to bite down on one of his books and back away, quickly releasing it when she realised it wasn't food. Newt silently giggled to himself, yes giggled how could you not at such an adorable creature? So full of wonder and curiosity. It really was a shame he couldn't keep one.

Though to be fair how would he hide the fact that he now has a wolf from his brother? Let alone he'd need more than one! At least another one so that they would have a mate or if not a mate than a best friend. Everyone needed a best friend. Especially wolves. Yes. Definitely wolves. Tugging off his coat and folding it he smiled slowly as the female wolf (he had named Akita) sat and stared at him, tilting her head. Newt, biting his lip imagines a picture of a caramel coloured wolf, opening his eyes he was pleased to find himself a lot shorter, not at all bothered by the wind or snow and, well, furry all over. Newt stood stock still as Akita and Shadow came to give him a serious sniff. If they liked him he'd probably be welcomed into the pack... if not.. We'll he'd rather not dwell on the fact. 'Worrying only means you suffer twice.' He silently thought freezing once more when he hard a deep growl from one of the wolves.

To Newt's surprise he was soon being tackled to the ground unable to see anything but darkness as his muzzle was shoved into the snow so deep that he couldn't even breath

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To Newt's surprise he was soon being tackled to the ground unable to see anything but darkness as his muzzle was shoved into the snow so deep that he couldn't even breath. He scrambled to get up, fur rising as he fought for his life when the hold suddenly vanished from on top of him. When Newt looked up he watched in amazement as Shadow swung the other tawny brown wolf back and forth holding him by his neck. Snarling fiercely at him Newt watched as Shadow flung the much smaller wolf away from all three of them. Even more to his shock was when Akita and Shadow both stepped in front of Newt, blocking him from any other attack attempts.

'Well, that's a sign as any.' Newt happily closed his eyes and bowed his head, the wolves seemed to be smarter than your average ones as they seemed to know he was the human watching them. Just from Akita and Shadow both glancing at his notes and books then back to him. So naturally how could one blame him for nodding his head to answer their silent question. Using magic he quickly teleported all of his things back to the little house for safekeeping as he followed Akita and Shadow.

He began to follow them closely as they trekked through the woods, not too worried to where they were headed as he knew if worst came to worst he'd be able to apparate back to his little cottage. When they paused he stretched and yawned opening his jaw up wide. He loved the scent of the forest and the coldness coming with it.

As they carried on his shoulder and the back of his neck began to ache from the earlier skirmish. He grunted ignoring the pain in favour of following the wolves. He pranced across the snow which had risen to his chest fur and smiled letting his tongue out lazily. Newt tracked the wolves by scent, knowing each of them by smell now. Shadow and Akita both seemed to know exactly where they were going. Each with their noses in the air and ears pricked in case of danger. The brown wolf had also tagged along but kept in the back of their mini-pack. Not too much farther a cave appeared and after a thoughtful sniff Shadow was going through it. Newt pricked his ears and took in a deep breath trying to see anything he could and smell anything he could. Almost twenty wolves had to be close by, each carrying their own different scent but their scents all mingled to make one: the pack scent.

Newt was literally pushed from his thoughts by Akita who had given him a shove wanting him to go first. Newt took the first few tentative pawsteps through the cave which then turned into a tunnel. Newt could smell several scents in the tunnel and assumed it to be their den, where they slept. But Akita kept pushing him, the other wolf following her. Newt could hear stirring and had to fight back the instinct to dig his claws into the ground, scared to meet the pack but a yearning in him to do so pushed him forward. At last they arrived and Newt was greeted by growls, small ones and big ones. Clearly they knew an intruder was in their midsts. Shadow gave off a rough barking sound and they all settled down immediately after going up and pressing their muzzles to his fur in greeting. Newt noticed how one wolf was staying towards the back waiting. He thought at first it was the omega of the pack but was soon proven wrong as the wolf licked Shadow's muzzle and nipped at his ears. Either mother, or mate.. Newt thought to himself, suddenly being aware of how he was the center of attention.

He silently rested his ears against his skull and slunk down onto his stomach as a few of the wolves approached him. Making sure to keep in a submissive pose as to not scare them, or so that they wouldn't harm themselves by trying to harm him, he let out a faint whine. Shadow was suddenly there, snarling and baring his fangs at the other wolves, more than likely telling them to go away as they all quickly vanished back to where they had been.

*Something being dropped on the ground right in front of him had him jump up, meeting the gaze of Akita before he could distinguish her scent out of the entire pack's. He looked down and in front of him was a dead rabbit. Akita nudged the rabbit towards him, obviously wanting him to eat it. Not wanting to upset them he quickly tugged the rabbit closer with a claw and bent his head down, taking a small bite out of its side. As he chewed the rabbit's flesh he thought with a jolt of how many different flavours were dancing across his tongue. Yes it tasted stringy but it was the middle of winter time and what food there was for these wolves to find was literally skin and bones. He finished what he had in his mouth and swallowed it, then pawed the rest of the rabbit away which was immediately snatched up by Akita and swallowed in a couple of mouthfuls only leaving a pile of scraps behind.*

Newt was beginning to feel sort of at home in the pack, some were still wary around him but most had opened up quickly seeing as Shadow and Akita welcomed him in their pack personally. He was beginning to go into a light doze when suddenly his wards at his cottage went off. Newt jerked up wide awake now, ignoring all the stares he received as he dashed through the tunnel, shifted back to his human form and apparated near his home. He pulled his wand free from his side before hesitantly peeking from behind the tree he was hiding. Pink was all he saw before he and that person were being sucked inside his cottage. If  Newt were to define how he was feeling right now, he was going to lose his lunch.


*Side Note*

I do not own ANY of the artwork seen in this story, ALL credit goes to their proper creators!

Word Count: 1,301

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