Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting

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Laura's P.O.V

'I'm utterly exhausted.' I complained to myself.
I started over to the produce section in the grocery store. Without looking up, I bumped into someone and couldn't help but yell at them.

"Why don't you watch where your going you idiot!" I screeched.

"What in God's name are you doing?!" I heard a familiar voice shout back.



I looked up to see a familiar face: Dr. John Watson.

"Sorry, I've had a rather bad day." I tried to explain.

"I understand! Work was hard for me too." He replied.

"Love the sweater!" Said John.

"Thanks, yours too!" I giggled, as we
were wearing relatively the same knitted oatmeal sweater.

"So, about the flat?" I questioned.

"Yes, yes the flat!"

I had previously asked John if he knew of any good flats I could rent, and it turned out there was a flat that I could share with a friend of a friend. On top of that, it was downstairs from his.

"Its yours if you wouldn't mind sharing it." He replied.

I smiled at him and we left together.


"Sherlock? I'm home!" John yelled while putting down his bags.

"Is Mrs. Hudson in?" John shouted up the stairs.

"You can check for yourself, I'm conducting an experiment." replied a deep voice.

"Show me the flat!" I said eagerly to John.

He led me to a locked door and pulled out a key from behind the wallpaper. He stepped over and unlocked it. It was a beautiful flat, well lit and stylish; obviously a girl lived here. I could hear footsteps gradually coming closer. I turned around to see a woman with an all black outfit and brown hair in a high ponytail came sprinting into the room and quickly grabbed a laptop, propped it on a counter and triumphantly yelled:


She spun on her heals saw me and stopped, utterly stunned.

"S-sabina?" I questioned.

Her face lit up with recognition.

"Oh hello! Long time no see! Here for the flat?"

I couldn't even respond.

"D'you remember me?" I questioned.

"Of course I remember you! Not much, it's been many years... but well enough. How's the job at the hospital going?"

I looked up and stared at her, then at John as he said:

"Yeah, she does that. Like Sherlock. But you haven't met him... um... Yet." John whispered.
I shuffled my feet and looked up, getting over the surprise in the blink f an eye. I couldn't even tell what I was feeling. Sad, happy, betrayed maybe? It had been so many years ago when she left me.

"27 years." I said, not happy or sad.

"Oh Laura. Really? Why are you wearing that hori-" She looked at John and stopped.

He was crossing his arms with a very unimpressed look. She looked back to me and down at my sweater.

"What is it?!" I said a little too loud.

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