Chapter 7: Christmas

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Laura's P.O.V:

We arrived at the river Thames at around the same time as Sherlock and Sabina. All of us rented skates because no one actually had skates anymore. Sherlock was the first on the ice and he stumbled, already off balance. He caught himself by clinging to John. I giggled at the surprised look on John's face as he threw Sherlock off him. We looked around the ice and it was filled by people who looked too stuck up to be enjoying it. Sherlock pulled his coat around himself and tried to skate away but fell face first onto the ice instead. Sabina was resisting the urge to laugh. Everyone looked fairly happy, Trinity was with Anderson... Bailey was skirting around, manoeuvring between crowds of people. John and I glided on the smooth surface stumbling every now and then. People rushed past us at an angle that constantly cut us off. At one point a very ignorant man skated directly in front of me, causing me to fall yanking John ontop of me. He kissed me slightly, I was still aware of the sharp metal blades skitting around us so i wispered to him,

"To be continued." And he got up, releasing me and offering me a hand.


Sabina's P.O.V:

I watched as Laura and John fluttered around the surface of the smooth ice, then suddenly fall onto each other. I sighed and dug my skate into the ice.

"Sherlock! Come on! I'll come with you!" I shouted to the long coated man standing to my left, still on land.

"I cant!" He spit back,

"You'll learn then!" I shouted and grabbed his arm.

Sherlock (of course) had picked up quite quickly and was now as fast as most of the people around us... I hadn't noticed untill this moment that he was wearing... figure skates? I giggled and let him lead me away.


Laura's P.O.V:

About a week later John and I were about to take time off work (In about a week or so) for Christmas (And to make sure Sabina and Sherlock didn't kill anyone).

"Right... shopping?" I asked John. "Hhhhhh... alright. I suppose we do need stuff." He replied, tired. I pulled him to the store near our hospital and we split up to save time. Half way through, I noticed a woman looking at John in a way I didn't like, she was almost surveying him. I decided to let it pass and got the milk we needed desperately. We payed for our things and hopped on the tube back to 221b.

When we got home it was about 10:48pm and Sabina and Sherlock were asleep on top of each other, a laptop half on the floor. I smiled and set down the shopping bags quietly, putting everything in the fridge. By now, I was always expecting some kind of ghastly experiment to be in there so I didn't flinch when I saw the latest quest to quench Sherlock's boredom. I walked over to John who was examining a pack of eggs that were left on the table. He looked up to me and smiled. We quickly put the groceries back in the fridge, not to mention cleaned up a bit. John then picked me up and carried me to his room were we instantly fell asleep.


I woke up to Sherlock running from Sabina and jumping over the coffee table, couch, etc... I sighed knowing they'd be like this all day. I shuffled my way out of bed and put on a small robe that must have been John's. Grabbing three brightly wrapped boxes from under our bed, I shuffled out to the living room. I yawned and set the boxes down onto the coffee table. Sherlock lunged for it and I had to hit him with a newspaper.

"Honestly?!" I hissed at them,

"You're way more professional then this, YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A BLOODY FOUR YEAR OLD!" I shouted.

"Sorry, lack of sleep." I mumbled while slumping into John's chair. Sherlock straightened up and tightened his scarf around his purple shirt.

"Thats better." I smiled and handed them their gifts.

John walked out and got onto the same chair I was in, letting me sit on his lap. I handed him a small package and he did the same. I opened the light paper wrapping and pulled out a nice knitted sweater, a light blue scarf and a small silver bracelet with a shimmering blue stone inside. I turned it over and smiled. It read inside: 'Love is a moment that lasts forever.' I smiled at him and let tears slip down my face. He slowly opened his package and smiled. Inside was a sweater (Similar to what he got me), a book (The Hobbit), and a silver watch which was engraved saying: 'One life one love' and 'Always and forever' He smiled and kissed me.


Sabina's P.O.V:

I watched Laura and John kiss then turned away to rip the light wrap around a box, while deducing it.

"Thanks." I said and took the slender object out of the box.

I looked at Sherlock, whom had gotten the same thing as me. "Telescopes." I said smiling.



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