Chapter 12: Uncomfortable and Sleepless

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Laura's P.O.V:

Well, so much for 'goodnight me'... Man... There was no night or good to the goodnight! I literally couldn't sleep if my life depended on it. There was an uncomfortable kink in my neck due to the unthought out stance I took when I was trying to go to sleep... Or at least pretend for that matter. This chair is trying to crush all possible sleeping moments I have! John was on the bed... I was not going to be on the bed though, because that thirsty hedgehog is the most repulsive and unwanted person to be around, considering he shot every ounce of trust I had left with his handgun. I gave myself a mental pep talk containing mostly,
'Just sleep'
'He will win if you give in to sleeping on that bed'
'So help me, if you go into that bed you'll have more then just a kink in your neck'
The pep talk mostly worked! Sadly, that didn't change the fact that I was uncomfortable and didn't feel like putting my neck through more torture. With all that fresh in my mind, I forced myself to try and get a few winks.


John's P.O.V:

Great. Greaty great great. Oh it's Christmas indeed. I get to see Laura and try and redeem myself and this happens. I had a plan of action as well,

1. Greet her like a normal human being.

2. Politely ask how she's doing.

3. Disregard everything I told myself about how much of a jerk she was.

4. Ask why she left.

5. Comfort her (bonus If she goes in for a hug)

6. Tell her what actually happened.

7. Wait for her to become
understanding and happy.

8. Spend my godamn time with her while I can before she realizes I made a stupid list on how to win her back.

Foolproof. Though I'm not the best at plans... Considering all my relationships ended before the plan was complete... I refuse to believe that my plans were the cause of that though.
I left my thoughts when I heard a thump towards the left of me. I turned and looked at the slightly smaller girl whom was half on an uncomfortable looking chair, and partially on the ground with her head pressed against the wall below the window. Ouch. I rubbed my eyes and carefully stood up, gathering my wits and trying to make myself less disoriented. I picked her gently up as best I could and moved over to the cloud-like bed. How did she even sleep through this? I rested her down on the preferred side of the mattress and got up on the opposite side to settle in for the night. Ah, sweet dreams to me!



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