Chapter 3: Laptops and Bowling

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Sabina's P.O.V:

I walked into the main room and stopped.

"Honestly?!" I exclaimed, fatigued.
Everyone was on a laptop doing who knows what.

"There were no cases." Sherlock said plainly.

Laura and John were sitting on the single seater chair and Sherlock was propped upside down (in his usual childish way).

"You all need to get outside!" I shouted.

Everyone tried to protest at the same time and it sounded like some kind of messed up whale.

"No buts! We're going to do something today!" I said, a smile spreading across my face.

We walked out the door with much protest and out onto the streets of Britain, where the rain showed no mercy. When we finally found a cab, the rain was starting to ease up. I told everyone about where we were going and they didn't seem too impressed.


"Bowling?!" She asked.

"As a contest." I grinned back.

Sherlock straightened up as he heard about something he could win.

"Two teams. Loser has to wash dishes and cook dinner!" I said excitedly.

"Deal. What are the teams?" She asked hopefully.

"You and John, Sherlock and I." I replied.

"Bowling..." John said.

"I'm a little rusty, but I think I can handle this." Laura said confidently.


John rolled the ball down the lane and nearly got a strike. Laura cheered loud. At our nearby table, Sherlock was calmly explaining how bowling was based on leverage and hight. Sherlock strolled to the aisle, picked up a ball, carefully calculated the angle and just as he was letting it go...

"JINX!!!" John screamed, causing the ball to go immediately into the gutter.

Sherlock twisted his head and glared at John causing us to go into a laughing fit.


Laura's P.O.V:

"Ha, we beat you!" Sabina exclaimed excitedly.

I sighed.

"I know Sabina, I know." I said and started to boil the water.

No one said they would cook dinner, so I volunteered. We shifted around the kitchen, alternating tasks of preparing the food. We could hear the clicking of laptops, (No doubt it was either Sherlock or Sabina working on The Science of Deduction). As the long noodles cooled, I poured the still simmering sauce onto them. I backed up and bumped into John, staring at him for a long amount of time.

"Ahem." Sabina said, raising an eyebrow.

At that moment I wanted to strangle her for ruining the moment. She gave an evil smile and turned back to her laptop. I walked over to the kitchen counter and dished out the slim noodles. I let Sabina and Sherlock eat in peace while we ate Chinese takeout on the couch. Moments later, I was staring at him again, looking absent-mindedly into his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes. Honestly they were... coming towards me! Soon I was focused on, well... John. Nothing else mattered and I forgot everything. His hands went through my hair and I kissed him. I looked to Sabina and Sherlock, who were looking at us with an amused smile spread on their faces.


I woke up on the couch laying on John (Hoping I didn't hurt him). I walked to where I thought Sabina would be, which she was not. I heard John whimper and ran to him realizing he was having a nightmare. I stroked him, softly and lightly, slowly he smiled and was quiet.


Sabina's P.O.V:

'Ugh!' I thought while tussling my hair. I looked to my side and was startled to see Sherlock actually in the bed this time. He was awake, probably waiting for me.

"Hello." He said with his deep voice.

"Care to explain why you're IN the bed this time?" I asked.

"Thought I'd give it a shot." He replied.
We got up (after 15 minutes of me grumbling) and he whirled around saying suddenly,

"Kiss me."

I stared at him blankly.

"Just do it." He insisted.

I leaned in, getting lost in the moment and he pulled away.

"Quickly, are my pupils dilated?" He asked franticly as he checked his pulse.

"I suppose." I said.

"Good, good." He replied absent-mindedly, and I kissed him again, laughing slightly.


John's P.O.V:

I woke up and looked around deciding if I should get up or not. I heard the telly on and looked up. Laura was sitting inside of my curled legs watching some kind of show (I'm guessing Doctor Who).

"Morning." I said groggily.


She turned and looked at me.

"Hey... um would... would you, uh." She tried to say.

"Be your boyfriend?" I asked cautiously.

"Um..." She replied sheepishly.

"Yeah." She finally said.

"Mmmmm." I replied making her shrink. I noticed her response and said,

"Sure dear."

She pulled me up by my pyjamas and kissed me.



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