Chapter 1-Silence

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Wind rapped on the front door. The disturbing sound woke Cesar from an enjoyable slumber. It was raining outside, and he didn't want to get out of bed, but duty calls. The tall man stood from his bed, regretting to leave the warmth. He trudged to the mirror and combed his black-brown hair back neatly. He applied a generous amount of gel, just to keep his hair in place. He then rubbed his eyes, destroying any sleepiness. He made his way down the lonesome halls of his apartment, hearing the gentle taps of his feet on the spotless, wooden floors. He entered the rather large restroom, ready to start his day. It was Monday, but Cesar got used to rising early, about four every morning. He had an early shift at the local hospital. Once he finished his business inside, he went back into his simple bedroom to get dressed. He picked out a navy blue dress shirt with khakis. Cesar picked up his wallet from the dresser. He opened it and smiled down at it sadly. It was a photograph of a girl. A young one. She could've been ten years old. Cesar didn't know who she was, but she was beautiful and the only face he enjoyed to see. He had the photograph since he was very young. She must've have been old by now. Cesar thought of the silence as he got ready. It seemed loud, yet quiet... No one to share it with. No one to break the silence with a giggle, or perhaps a scream. He wouldn't mind. Just a sound. He couldn't bring himself to make it. Maybe the girl in the photograph had a lovely laugh, he thought to himself.

Once dressed he grabbed his coat and a banana that lay on the table. He left his breakfast on the marble table every night before work. He was a simple yet mysterious man. A young one, at 25. There were many out there, people. Many of them had families, a mother to care for, a father to watch the game with. But he wasn't so lucky. Cesar was a young man who didn't have friends. No family members to call or love. But silence consumed the poor man. He needed someone, anyone. But everyone he spent time with seemed preoccupied in more "important" things, like work, work, and work. But he longed for a friend. Maybe love wasn't the sound he wished so deeply for. Perhaps a friend.

He opened the front door and stepped into the chilly morning. It was still dark outside, and the rain was unforgiving. Cesar rushed to his car that was parked in the street in front of the apartment building. He started the car. He made his way up the streets; it was quiet since it was so early. He switched the radio on, but there wasn't anything decent to listen to at 4:30 in the morning. Cesar switched the radio off. He thought focusing on the road might keep his mind off things. But there was nothing on his mind.

FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora