Chapter 8- An Unexpected Visitor

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     As Cesar paced his office, he decided he'd go insane if he stayed cooped up in the small, dark room. He slammed his door open and found the chaotic halls comforting. He made his way back to the main desk and felt guilty for leaving Sandra and Quinn. They were both waiting for... he didn't know what. He walked up to them, his head hanging low. Then as he was about to lose hope completely, the lights flickered on. Quinn's computer turned on with a positive, ding! All the employees cheered and rushed in between rooms to check on the patients. Quinn sighed in relief as her finger whirled on her keyboard. Cesar slumped on the front desk, his anger rapidly turning to relief. 

     "Which rooms will be working at today Quinn?" asked Sandra with a smile that showed how everyone felt.

     "Rooms 203, 217, 233 and 235," Quinn answered as her eyes darted back and forth, focused on her computer. 

     "See you both at lunch!" Sandra said as she walked away to begin her shift. Cesar watched her walk all the way down the hall until she made a left into the first room she was assigned. He then turned toward Quinn, who was still busy giving everyone their schedule for the day. 

     "What do you have planned for me, Quinn?" he asked as he leaned over the desk.

     "It appears you have a job interview in about thirty minutes Sir," she answered.

     "Sounds good, I'll be in my office," Cesar said.

     "Yes Sir."

.   .   .

     Cesar began his reviews on all the employees, stating what they can improve on, just so he could avoid losing employees. Suddenly, Quinn's voice was heard over the announcer in his office. 

     "The nurse is here for the job interview Sir," Quinn informed.

     "Thank you Quinn. Let them in," Cesar replied. He heard the click which meant Quinn's announcement was complete. He closed his laptop and neatly stacked his papers in a folder. He turned to find the papers and heard a sudden rap on the door. 

     "Come in," he responded. He turned to face the door. A man stood there. He was Asian; a few years older than him, tall and well dressed. He wore a button up blue shirt with khakis and shiny black shoes. He held a leather briefcase in his left hand. His jet-black hair was combed over to one side. When he saw Cesar he casually swept his free hand over his hair, making sure it was in place. 

     "Good morning Sir, you must be Mr. Martínez ," he said in a deep voice. He walked forward in long strides and shook Cesar's hand firmly. 

     "That's me. Now who might you be?"

     "I'm Vincent Cooper," he said casually. 

     "Have a seat," Cesar said as he gestured at the chair in front of his desk. Vincent sat down and inhaled sharply. "Something wrong?"

     "Not at all," Vincent said with a tight grin. Something's up, Cesar thought. He ignored his sudden negative intuition toward the guy and continued to fiddle through his neat stacks of papers that lined his wall. He regretted to keep his back toward him, and quickly found the sheets. 

     "Fill these in Vincent," Cesar threw the last part in so much emphasis he made the kid jump. 

     "Yes Sir," he said curtly. He opened his briefcase and pulled out a pen. Prepared, I'll give him that, Cesar thought as the young man scribbled along the papers. Silence, for ten, fifteen minutes. The time Vincent spent writing was agonizing to Cesar. He was oddly nervous and he was itching to read what the newcomer had to say. At last, Vincent exhaled loudly as if he was impossibly holding his breath the entire time. He handed the sheets the Cesar. He took them and began scanning to the bottom of the first sheet, where he saw something quite intriguing. He looked up to meet Vincent's eyes. 

     "Vincent!" he spat in complete shock.

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