Chapter 10- How Was Your Day?

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     The day went on. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Once Vincent left the hospital, Cesar was able to breathe evenly again. He checked on the patients every once in a while, since he had no work to complete online. He had a few patients to work with, so it was an easy day. By the time his shift was over, he met Sandra at the front desk once again. She smiled, and they both headed toward the elevator. 

     "How was your day?" he asked casually.

     "I love my job so much. The patients are very sweet and humble. I enjoy every moment I'm able to help them out," she said as the silver doors opened to the parking lot. They walked to his car, and they made their way to Sandra's apartment. "So, how was your day?" Sandra asked as they made their way back up the streets. Cesar stayed silent, trying to gather his thoughts. How would he explain to her his agonizing hour alone with Vincent?

     "It was interesting."


     "Yeah. Someone came for a job interview."

     "Oh. Did they get the job?" she asked. A pause.

     "Well... Yes he did get the job."

     "What's wrong?" she asked, now concerned, as if she could read his mind.

     "Well, it turns out the guy that came for the job interview was someone I knew from the orphanage I was in."

     "Oh," Sandra answered quietly. It was clear Cesar wanted to end the conversation. At that very moment, Cesar pulled up to Sandra's apartment. Once his car was parked, they walked out and were in complete shock. They couldn't comprehend what they were seeing. 

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