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Jimin's parents thought he had gone crazy.

"What? Where do you wanna go?" His alpha father asked firmly.

Jimin immediately bowed his head down submitting.
"I want to live in the city, dad."

His pack lived in the woods, a few houses were built over the years to protect the pack from too curious humans and surrounded by a fence. The humans wondered why people lived in the woods without even imagining that supernatural creatures may exist.

But to integrate into society the wolves had to go to human schools, work in the city or buy groceries there.

Jimin who was currently twenty-five years old had made a huge mistake. He had tried to become friends with a few humans.

The thing was, that omegas like him were pretty. Very pretty even to the general human eyes. Everyone of his friends had at least once confessed to him.

Jimin always rejected them nicely since they didn't actually knew who or better what he was.

Jimin had reached twenty-four years of living without slipping into romantic feelings but that one time where his mind failed had to stop him.

He had fallen in love with a human.

Once he had recognised the heavy bubbles in his stomach when he was near this human, he had been very afraid and wanted to keep his distance to eventually forget these emotions.

But he couldn't. He couldn't stop himself from moving towards the taller man when he saw him, smiling brightly at the deep-brown eyes.

His name was Jungkook.
The human he loved was called Jeon Jungkook. The handsome athlete who seemingly could do everything but maths had stolen his heart.

Jimin had never been more conflicted if he liked being an omega wolf or not. On the one hand he could never tell Jungkook since it was forbidden for humans to know, so being in a relationship and keeping that huge secret would be difficult but on the other hand...

Jungkook couldn't fight against the omega's charms and his beautiful heavy blue eyes. For Jimin it was easy to wrap Jungkook around his tiny finger. So Jimin could easily have Jungkook as his boyfriend.

And that was what happened. Jimin forgot about all the troubles that should make him worried when Jungkook asked him out.

"You can't live in the city, Jimin! You're a wolf, you can't deny what you are!" His mother exclaimed surprised.

"But I want to live with Jungkook. I love him so much, Mum. Please let me try it. If it doesn't work, I'll come back. He'll never know about us, I promise."

His mother thought for a while. His father was quiet watching him intently.

"Sweety, I don't know... Why don't you just live here and stay together with him like before?"

"Because he asked me to live together... and I don't have excuses anymore that I could really mean. I don't want to lie to him anymore. I love him. He's all I ever wanted. Please mum, dad."

He looked up to meet his parents' eyes. His dark blue eyes had lit up to a soft light blue like always when he talked about Jungkook.

"Jimin, I don't think-" His father started.
"Honey... Why don't we let him try and when it doesn't work anymore he promises to come back to the pack?" His mother spoke softly to her mate soothing the alpha's distress.

The alpha stilled and seconds were passing. "Fine. But promise you'll run away once Jungkook gets suspicious and you'll let us meet him."

Jimin jumped up from the table and hugged his parents.

"Of course. Friday evening he'll come over for dinner."

"Why are you so nervous, Kookie?"

"Seriously? You're asking why? I'm meeting your parents of course I'm nervous. I want them to like me." He said fidgeting with shaking hands over his clothes.

Jimin giggled softly and opened their hut's door. "Mom, Dad? Here we are!"

Mrs. Park came running down the stairs to be the first catching a glimpse of their son's lover.

"Jungkook, hello, dear. Finally we meet." She offered him a soft hand to shake.

"It's a pleasure." He said curtly. Too nervous to say anything else and almost fainting.

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