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Jimin stared into the deep blue eyes. The round wide eyes he knew from Jungkook could be seen elsewhere in a shiny blue.

"It's an omega. Congratulations." The doctor said and left the room.

Tears blossomed in his eyes. Happy tears of course.

"Kookie. Our pup..."

"Yes. Our Jungminnie is a beautiful omega like you."

Jungmin made grabby hands for Jungkook to scent him.

Jimin gave their son to the human father.

"Kiss his neck and breathe in. He wants you to scent him." He explained and watched his mate do just that.

The pup giggled and looked at Jimin with his blue eyes. All sorts of emotions flowed through Jimin.

Happiness, Pride, Love, but also sadness. During the birth he had felt the changes his body had went and was going through. There would not be any chance to have another child. He just knew.

So now it was even more important to Jimin to make a beautiful and friendly being out of their pup. To achieve the best of what they have.

Currently Jungkook laid on the soft fur. He slid his fingers through it carefully and mindlessly.

Jimin made a sound that resembled a cat purring. The omega had taken his mate and their pup to a flower meadow. He had been in a house for too long and needed fresh air.

Their pup was cradled in Jungkook's arm sleeping in the safety of his parents' presence. The only human in their little family sighed in content.

"I love you." He said in a whisper to keep their Jungmin asleep.

Jimin's ears turned to him, assuring Jungkook he heard it. Then his furry head turned to his mate, the snout pressed against Jungkook's right cheek.

There were no more words needed.

"And I really love the life we have now. Thanks for gifting me a child, Jimin."

The wolf had the strong desire to shift and shower the human with kisses, but he couldn't. His mate was laying on his fluffy flank with Jungmin in his arms enjoying the soft fur like a pillow.

He whimpered out of joy instead hoping the human would understand his mess of emotions.

Jungkook checked on Jungmin who was still fast asleep and leaned forward to kiss his mate's furry ears and ruffled the fur lovingly.

The human felt just like Jimin the vast range of feelings that's even amplified by their mating bond.
"Jungmin! Get your ass down here!"

The young omega walked down the stairs with a pout on his face and a cat in his arms.

"Yes, mum?" He asked sheepishly.

"Where's my chicken? The one I wanted to serve for lunch?"

His son looked down avoiding his stern face. Minji fled into the living room sensing the incoming scolding.

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me!" Jimin exclaimed furiously.

"Minji and I played with it, then Minji ate a bit and I thought you'd be angry and I threw it away. I'm sorry, mum." The small omega confessed.

Jimin looked flabbergasted.
"You... played with food... and threw the chicken away?" He asked unbelieving.

"Yes. Minji nibbled on a wing."

Jimin broke out of his daze and hit his son lightly with the kitchen towel.

"You do know that we don't have anything for lunch now?! Jungkook's gonna come home to no lunch? Oh f..."
Jimin stopped himself right before cursing.

"You, little pup, won't be meeting Chanhyun today. We'll go out for lunch."

His son looked completely shocked.
"No, I promised we'd go to the lake today. Please, mum."

"No, I'll call Baekhyun and that's final. You messed up, Minnie and you'll think about this by doing homework in your room all Saturday afternoon."

Jungmin whined about it the whole day but knew he shouldn't have played with food especially if his mum had promised tasty homemade lunch for his dad.

His dad didn't even ask what happened and wished for a big homemade dinner next week. The omega agreed and shot his son a strict look to which he bowed immediately.

Still Jimin went to his son's room and tucked him in lovingly pressing a kiss on the small forehead and whispered an "I love you, my baby".

Jimin and Jungkook learned what it meant to be a parent soon enough. There were parent-teacher conferences where they heard how Jungmin did in school and also a lot of other stuff he didn't tell his parents.

Apparently he had a crush on Chanyeol and Baekhyun's son, an alpha, Chanhyun. He would write bad tests when he was near him and stuff like that.

Jungkook suddenly became very protective. But Jimin knew how to soothe his alpha what lead to the omega-alliance. Jimin would often sent Jungmin away to Chanhyun's to have a free house and a date night (or just plainly sex) with his mate.

The human didn't suspect anything until Chanhyun stood in front of their house with a bouquet of flowers asking for permission to take Jungmin out on a date.

"Okay, but bring him back safely. Have fun." He tried to sound less protective and somehow nice when he saw the happy smile on Jungmin's face.

He looked after them leaving hand in hand towards the city. His omega hugged him from behind.

"You did great, alpha. Jungmin's very in love with him." Jimin kissed his neck and pulled him softly back into the house.

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