Chapter 2

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Dalton's arm was the only thing keeping Diamond on her feet, especially with her heels. She tried not to look at the walkers, because they made her want to vomit. Sloane, incredibly, was leading the way away from the creatures, towards what looked like a forest. Diamond grimaced -- she didn't particularly like the wilderness.

Once they were concealed by a few trees and some shrubbery, Diamond made them stop so she could catch her breath. She had thirteen years of dance experience, but running was not her specialty. "We -- have -- to -- go -- back," she panted.

"Are you insane?" Sloane snapped.

Diamond narrowed her eyes. "No. I'm in heels, and your ass is hanging out. We need some decent clothes."

Dalton put his hand on her shoulder. "Di, come on, there's no way we can go back. The only way we got out of there was because they were eating our pilot."

Diamond was thinking of a good comeback when she heard a snapping noise. "What was that?" she hissed, just as a big figure popped out from the trees. She opened her mouth to scream, but was stopped by Dalton's hand.

The figure let out a gasp. "Whoa! Sorry, I didn't see y'all there. Man, am I glad to see some actual people 'round here." The voice was a young male, with an obvious Southern twang.

Diamond looked up, and her breath caught. Never had she ever thought of ending up with a country boy, but this guy was gorgeous! He was tall and muscular, but not too brawny. His hair was dark and slightly longer than usual, and his eyes were a bright, hypnotic blue. He wore jeans, boots, and a plane brown T-shirt, all smudged in dirt. His face had a splash of dirt across its perfect features as well, but, somehow, Diamond found it even cuter.

"Who are you?" Dalton demanded. Diamond glanced at her twin sharply.

"I'm Ellis, its nice to meet ya. Who are y'all?"

"Diamond Sylvia Gold!" Diamond exclaimed. "But you can call me Di." She gave him a wink, and he grinned.

"Sloane," her friend said beside her, looking bored.

Ellis turned her way, but quickly moved his gaze. Diamond suspected it was her lack of clothing. They all looked expectantly at Dalton, but he just glared stubbornly. "That's my stupid twin brother, Dalton," Diamond intervened. "He hasn't quite mastered the concept of 'manners' yet."

"No worries," Ellis said cheerfully. "Where did y'all come from?"

"That airport."

"The hangar?"

"Uh, sure," Diamond didn't know the terminology.

"Is it safe? Any of the zombies over there?"

"You know about them, too?"

Ellis nodded, looking grim for the first time. "It was just all of a sudden. All day today, you know? People just started eating each other. I first saw cousin Larry chomping on Susan."

Dalton was rolling his eyes, but Diamond hung on his every word. "Whoa. Did you see people all over town turn?"

He shook his head. "Nah, the town's about a mile away from our farm."

"Farm?" Dalton asked, speaking for the first time.

"Yeah, of course. Where else would we keep the horses and chickens and --"

"Can we come? Is it safe?"

Ellis grinned. "Of course! Sure y'all can come. We got a group stayin' there for now, all the townsfolk. We got my Uncle Ed, Sandra, Emma --"

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