Chapter 14

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Diamond led Willie Mae upstairs to their current bedroom. "Will you be okay on your own? You'll be safest up here."

Mae nodded, but sniffled. "I want you to be safe, too. And Ellis," she murmured.

Di gave her a quick but love-filled hug. "Don't worry, you have this, remember?" She handed over the second walkie talkie that they had found in the boat house. "I'll have the other, so you can talk to me as much as you want."

Willie Mae kept holding Di's hand tightly. "Will you...will you be alright?"

"Of course," she replied. She kissed Mae's cheek gently. "Don't worry."

She helped Mae sit down on the bed, and locked the door tightly. She touched the door sadly for a moment, thinking, Be safe. She started down the stairs, but paused when she saw Ellis. Remembering Sloane's words, Diamond took a deep breath. She smoothed down her hair and tucked her black tank top into her belted shorts. "Ellis!" she called.

He turned as she rushed down the stairs. He bit his lip, and spoke before she could. "Hey. Uh, I know that we were all going to different places to hide, but...Would you mind if we went together? I want to talk to you."

"Sure," Diamond breathed. They went into the living room, crouched next to the window. It was dark, especially since they blew out the candles they used for light since the power didn't work. She looked outside, and saw nothing but darkness. "I guess they aren't here yet."

Ellis nodded, and turned toward her quickly. "Look, Di..." he trailed off, seeming lost for words.

"I wanted to apologize," she interjected. "I know I was being rude, I just thought --"

"I didn't know!" Ellis exclaimed. "If I had known -- I just -- you're so pretty, and I like you so much --"

"You do?"

"Of course!"

Diamond raised her brows. "But in the car..."

"I thought you meant there was no one for you now," Ellis explained. "You're too good for me."

"Too good for you?" Diamond repeated in disbelief. "When I first saw you...and not only that! You're the kindest person I've ever met, you're responsible and I'm only alive now because of you, and --"

Her words were cut off by Ellis's lips touching hers. When the kiss ended -- too soon, she thought -- they looked at each other for a few moments, grinning. Before either one could say a word, they were distracted by lights. They turned to the window, and Di had to hold back her gasp. Flashlights glared in the distance, moving around near the shore. "They're here," Ellis whispered.

Quickly, Di pulled out the walkie talkie. "Mae, are you doing okay?"

"Yeah," the girl's voice was soft but calm.

"Good." She looked back out to the lights, seeing them getting closer and closer. She and Ellis dipped down so as not to be easily seen. When they were finally within eyesight, Di saw they had some rips on their shirts and the woman -- Jenny -- was even holding her abdomen. The tar worked, she thought in satisfaction.

"What kind of traps do you have for us up here?" a voice called out. Di knew the deep tone could only be Samuel.

"Maybe there isn't anything," Jenny called out hopefully.

"Yeah," one guy agreed. "They didn't seem to be the brightest. And maybe they thought the fence would stop us."

"Maybe," Samuel said slowly. "Just be on your guard."

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