Chapter 9

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Diamond yawned as someone shook her awake. They had been driving for hours and hours, and she'd only had to drive once. Ellis was now at the wheel, and Mae's head rested on her shoulder. She looked up at her brother in front of her, blinking tiredly. "What is it?"

"We're almost there," he whispered.

Diamond sat up, looking at the buildings excitedly. They passed the Welcome to California sign, and started to get off on the exit. Cars on the road became increasingly more sparse. As they drove, Diamond looked around in awe. "No way," she whispered as they pulled down a road.

"We have to stop to find cars to siphon gas from," Ellis said with a frown, mistaking her eagerness for anger.

She ignored him, turning to Sloane just as her friend did the same. "Rodeo Drive!" they squealed in unison.

"Let me out here," Diamond demanded.

Ellis shot her a fearful glance. "Di --"

"I'm going," Sloane stated matter-of-factly. "We'll be fine together."

Ellis relaxed slightly. "Okay, but watch out. The place is probably filled with lurkers. Don't be afraid to use your guns. It shouldn't be too bad here, and it might even draw out the ones that are hiding."

Dalton looked back at Diamond, his eyes tight. "Be safe."

Diamond smiled. "I'll be fine, Dalt." She kicked open the door, Sloane at her heels. They rushed to the line of clothing stores, but Di hesitated when she saw a couple of straggling walkers in the street. Sloane picked up her gun, but she held out her hand. "Do you think I could try first?"

Sloane's perfectly shaped eyebrows shot up. "Sure."

Diamond pulled the pistol out of her back pocket, holding it delicately in her pale hand. She clicked off the safety, and pointed to one of three zombies. She took a deep breath and lined up the rear view with the middle walker's head. She shot -- and missed, too far to the left. The lurkers turned, hearing the shot and seeing the girls. Before they could process that the girls were food, Diamond took her second shot. The middle walker fell as two more bangs rang out into the silent night. All three zombies were on the ground.

She smiled to herself as Sloane turned to face her. "How in the -- you got them all right in the head!"

Diamond jumped and clapped happily. "Yay! I've been practicing aiming and stuff. The first shot I wasn't used to actually shooting, but after that it was cake!"

Sloane laughed. "I gotta hand it to you Di...I'm impressed!"

Diamond beamed. "Thanks. Now let's shop!"

It felt weird smashing the windows to her favorite stores -- Chanel, Prada, Gucci, and the like. But getting her clothes for free was a dream come true, not that she couldn't pay. They had to take out a few zombies, but with Sloane's level head and Di's new found talent, it wasn't even a problem.

They filled new purses with whatever even remotely interested them. Sloane liked plain colors and classy outfits. Diamond was more flashy. She loved sequins and diamonds -- duh! She liked low cut and tight shirts and short cutsie dresses that stood out. They also got things for the boys, since they didn't come along. They had an unspoken agreement -- Sloane handled Henry, while Diamond took Dalton and Ellis.

They got jewelry as well as clothes, and shoes. Diamond had an obsession with shoes, when she was not in the apocalypse, she tried not to wear the same pair twice.

"How are you going to carry all that?"

Diamond practically jumped out of her skin at the sound of her brother's voice. She turned, hands on hips, to face the boys and Willie Mae. "I'm not," she snapped, throwing a bag into Dalton's chest. Sweetly, she faced Ellis. "I got this stuff for you," she said with a smile, handing him another bag.

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