Chapter 4

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Diamond helped Willie Mae sit down on the grass, holding her hand. "Are you alright?" She had never been good with kids, but the girl seemed to like her. Maybe it was just her trying to impress Ellis, but she liked Mae.

Willie Mae sniffled. "Back at home, I could get around. I knew where everything was. But out here...I'm scared, Di."

Diamond hugged her, and she buried her face in her shoulder. "It'll be okay. I'll protect you -- and so will Ellis." She sat down next to her, to keep the little girl company.

The boy -- Henry -- was coming out of the trees in Dalton's clothes. He lifted the button up shirt as Sloane instructed, revealing his infected wound. Beneath a nice set of abs, Diamond added in thought. Sloane got out her tube of antibiotic, and squeezed some onto her finger. She slathered it onto the cut, rubbing down near the belt of his shorts. Dalton reddened, clenching his fists.

Diamond wasn't sure how she felt about it. It was pretty obvious Sloane was attracted to the guy, even just meeting him. Diamond didn't like her best friend and brother being together, but she also didn't want Dalton to get hurt. During her inner babbling, her twin walked up. "Hey, Di," he said with a sigh, plopping down next to her.

She grinned. She already knew where this conversation was going. "Hey."

"So..what do you think of the new guy?" She gave her brother a sidelong glance. "What?"

"Don't start a fight."

Dalton put a hand over his heart. "I would do no such thing!"

She snorted. "Tell that to the five kids you beat to a pulp back at the Academy."

He grinned. "It was just blood. They didn't have to scream!"

Diamond laughed despite herself. "Anyway, I think he's a nice guy. Wrong place, wrong time -- just like us."

"Hmph." He crossed his arms, then narrowed his eyes at her. "What the hell are you wearing?"

She looked down at her skirt and heels sheepishly. "Uh...I thought it would be safe at the farm."

"You need to change?" Ellis had walked up.

She blushed. "Um, yeah."

"Well, you can go now while Sloane's fixin' up that guy. I can take you."

"Excuse me?" Dalton snapped.

"I mean, take you off the path and make sure no walkers come by," Ellis amended, not the least bit miffed.

Dalton opened his mouth again, but Diamond elbowed him in the ribs. "Great, thanks." She picked up her bag, and he followed her into the trees.

A little ways in, she set down her purse and picked out an outfit. She didn't even need to say anything. Ellis turned around, like a perfect gentleman. She pulled off her heels and stripped. As she was slipping into her dark blue Alexander McQueen belted shorts, he struck up conversation. "Thanks for takin' care of Mae. I've been a little out of it after..." he trailed off.

She pauses, feeling her own heart break at his obvious pain. "Of course," was all she said.

She lifted her arms to put on her white v-neck bra top. Next were her Christian Louboutin Zazou flats. She pulled her pale hair into a ponytail, which was rare for her. But in the sun, she needed it up off her neck -- and let's face it, she looked perfect in anything. She walked up next to Ellis, keeping close. "To be honest, I don't know where to go."

She nodded. "I don't think any of us do. But its okay, we're doing our best."

He smiled at her reassurance, and her stomach flipped at the expression. "Your brother doesn't seem to like me much," he said nonchalantly.

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