Chapter 10

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Diamond had taken a shower and blow dried her hair so it fell in its usual soft waves. Her makeup was all done, and she'd even gave Mae a light makeover. The little girl sat on her bed while Di slipped on a white leather crop top, pink silk blended textured shorts, and strappy flats. She loved the hotel, and the power was amazing. She loved being able to take a real shower and dry her hair and use a full sized mirror. "I'd like to stay here," she thought out loud.

"Yeah," Willie Mae agreed dreamily. "Its easy to get around here."

Diamond smiled. She liked to see Mae happy. "Maybe --"

She was cut off by someone slamming the door open without knocking. Mae jumped as Di looked around. "Ellis?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

His eyes were wide, panicked. "We've gotta go. Get your bags and bring Mae to the first floor!"

She wanted to ask what was wrong, but she was afraid. She shoved her makeup into her bag and swung the two purses over her shoulder. Grabbing Mae's hand, she rushed out of the room and downstairs to the lobby. "Ellis, what's going on?" Willie Mae whimpered.

Diamond gasped as Ellis brought her over to the windows. The large metal gate was bending, and it trembled dangerously. When she looked beyond it, she couldn't believe how many walkers stood before it. There was a horde, even more than they had seen on the highways. "Where did they come from?"

Ellis shrugged. "Who knows. I didn't think they would remember we came in here."

"The lights."

They all turned to face Henry. "What?"

"They didn't remember," Henry said. "Its the lights. They're attracted to sounds -- and I guess sights."

Diamond clenched her jaw. Of course. The one thing that made this place feel like a home brought all Hell down upon them. She sighed. "Whatever. How do we get out of here?"

Ellis looked up, seeming surprised at her sudden need to get to business. "The garage. Maybe we can find a car."

"Do you think we'll be that lucky?" Dalton asked doubtfully.

"Its the only thing we've got," Diamond told him.

"Let's go," Henry suggested, trying to smile and keep everyone happy. Sloane was beside him, but she wasn't as upbeat.

They ran down the stairs and through the metal doors to the garage. The lights flickered, and a few cars were scattered across the lot. Diamond saw one that was crashed into the wall, and on further inspection she saw the shadow of a body. With a shudder, she looked at the others. "What are we looking for? A car with its keys still in it?"

"That would be a miracle," Ellis practically laughed. "Do either of you guys know how to jump start a car?"

Henry nodded. "Yeah, I had to do my car once."

"Why don't you turn the generator off?" Sloane asked. "Each of us could have a flashlight, and it'll make the walkers less interested."

"Good idea!" Ellis praised. "Dalton, you come help me with that."

"Sloane?" Henry asked. "Could you help me with the cars?"

Sloane smiled. "Sure."

Diamond watched the two groups move off in their directions and felt useless. But Willie Mae still held her hand, and that made her feel somewhat needed. "Want to sit down while we wait?" Mae nodded. They sat down by a pillar, leaning their backs against it.

"Could you tell me a story?" Mae asked after a moment. "I know its weird, dad used to read me fairy tales since I couldn't really see the movies. And I miss it."

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