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"Are you serious?" Harry said early Wednesday morning, holding a gurgling Lyra, who insisted on having both of her little hands in his perpetually messy hair, and staring at his husband who had come through the floo once he had gotten dressed to share the good news.

"For the last time, Potter, yes, If you want to teach from here, McGonagall will make it possible, but she needs an answer by tonight. Is that something you would want to do?" Draco wasn't looking at him, but rather at the little bundle tangled in his hair.

"You know I'm sorry, don't you?" the darker man said quietly. "For yesterday. I was just- I was tired. I didn't mean to- I should have told you what I was thinking."

"It's fine, I wasn't holding it against you," Draco says, looking into Harry's eyes for the first time since he had stepped out of the fireplace. "Assuming you agree, I mean, If you really want to do this we have to make a list of rooms the children can be in. I was thinking letting them have the second floor living room as a classroom, because it has the most adjoining rooms and it can be connected with the sword room for more practical lessons and the library for any in class research." He lifted a hand almost on instinct to brush Lyra's dark hair back from her soft face. "It has it's own bathroom," he added almost as an afterthought, while giving his daughter a soft loving look.

"This may be a stupid question-"

"Yours usually are," said the blonde glancing up, and Harry stuck his tongue out at him, but let a soft but confused smile take over his face. This was natural. This was good.

"Why does it matter how many adjoining rooms there are?"

"Once you enter through the main door," he said standing up straight again. "You aren't going to be able to leave the area until the class is over, because the main door will be connected to Hogwarts. So it needs adjoining rooms so they can leave for bathroom breaks or more physical lessons and you need a connecting room to get to the girls or an emergency floo."

"Oh," said the ravenette, looking stunned. "I never would have thought of that."

"It isn't very common magic," Draco mutters, but he is more focused on Lyra who chose that moment to burp and spit up all over the shoulder of Harry's shirt. They both smiled before making their way upstairs to wipe her down and change her clothes and grab the younger man a new shirt as well.

"I've  been trying to burp her since before you got here."

"Does that mean Anita is still napping?" Draco asked, hopeful.

"Yeah, or with Ron."

"With R- Why is Weasley here?" asked the paler man, a mix of confusion and surprise.

"'Mione is pregnant and blames him," Harry explains, chuckling at his husband's expression.

"Has Granger forgotten how sex works?"

"So..." the darker man continues. "I told him he could stay here until it all blew over."

"Of course you did," his husband responds, removing his younger daughter from his hands and holding her out at arms length even as she starts to whine. "It's all right, little one. We just have to get you cleaned up first."

"How uh- how did you know that wasn't Anita?" asked Harry nervously, not looking towards the man behind him as they made their way into the nursery then the adjoining bathroom to clean the small girl up. Draco furrowed his eyebrows before his eyes widened and he chuckled.

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