Chapter 5

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Before I start, this chapter is dedicated togoldenwomen020

The cries of babies, the old chit chatting of old women, the strange sent of henna, the disgusting smell of eggs and  the most amazing  fragrance of cinnamon.

Those were all the things that surrounded me here. These people i  barely even know are suddenly excited for my wedding? Tf?.

Today was my Graduation and I am going to miss it. Why because i am getting  married and just like every marriage there has to be processions and hell lots of activities to be performed. Wallah if it was left to me this won't have happened  why do they need to do all this? isn't the point of the whole thing marriage?. 

The wedding is in five days to come.

Today was the gyaran jiki. These people made me put all sort of things on  my body fahh. They waxed my body with melted sugar. Manurated my body with turmeric and eggs. O oohoo kai.

And as I sit here my legs are being waxed by this lady here. I thought she would be an old woman but to my surprise she is young. This is all because of Aunty Basma she said she will sponsor the procession all in  the name of "I must have the best wedding".

She puts warm the mix of melted sugar in her Palm as she streches and rubs  it in her hand and then sticks it on my leg  with all her strength as she stretches the sugar across my legs and ripped it off.

This is not  beauty my dear this is called torture? For why?. I know they say beauty is pain but in that case fuck beauty.

Anty Basma has been so great. Every time I see her patrolling about the house i  almost forget I  had lost a  mother just her being my number one support is just  the best. Her being supportive that's all I needed but really?did she really have to make me do this?

That's what I tell her every time she comes into the room but she always replies with a,Thank me later.

Hmmm I don't know what she means by that but then okay.

She was now  done with the waxing and I must say my body was hairless not even one string of hair on my body. It's  flawless.

Now the disgusting part the turmeric. She put all the ingredients necessary for the Dilka that was what she called it.

She took a palm full of the turmeric mix and rubs it on my flawless hairless skin. It goes down my arms, my face, my legs and back.

And she told me to stay and let it dry for a while and i went into the shower after she gave me a scented mix to bathe with.

I came out of the shower glowing fam.  I was flawless my light skin had thsi glow having this yellowish nice colour and my body smelt nice. Oh this was what Aunty Basma was saying I would thank her later for.

Just then my phone rang and without checking the caller ID I answered the call.


"Amaryace Amarya ce  Amarya ce Amarya." The voice sang and just hearing the voice I knew it was her.

"Samrahhh how are you how is the graduation its just starting koh?."

"Look behind you". Samrah says.

And in no second a turned only to come face to face with the devil her self smirking in my face.

"I wouldn't miss any of your wedding processions for anything."

"Samrah! !"I said hugging the life out of her.

"Can't... Brea..the.."

"Ohh sorry madam".

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