Chapter Nine.

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Behold the four of them stood there patiently as they waited to be welcomed which they were with the biggest fakest smile Manal could muster.

"Wa alaikumussalam, please come in,come in." She welcomed the four.

"Hey babe."samaah said as he reached and let a light feathery peck on her cheek making the world pause around her and making her heart beat faster than usual. She froze trying to process what just happened. Should she play along or what?

"H—Hey?." She stammers

"Amaryan mu kenan kunsha kamshi"(that's our bride scenting as nice as ever)

She smiled as she was still stumped by Samaah's actions.

"Okay,okay I think that's enough PDA for us." His friend in all black exclaimed. While the rest three join him in laughter

"Mind you, you are under my roof." He simply replied.


"It's okay Muhammad let's drop this. right now I'm hungry" said the other

"Manal these are my friends Muhammad, Mansur and Ahmad"

"Good afternoon" she replied awkwardly.


"Let's get to the dinning area please"he stressed.

The table was filled up with dishes,dishes she hopes will score to the core.

Soon she was serving as asked by Samaah and she tried as much not to be clumsy.

She served Muhammad, Mansur and Ahmad and as soon as she did they were on to the food with no comments.

She reaches for a server to serve her husband when he stopped her mid track with his arm.

"It's okay I'll do it." He replied faking a nice tone.

He has never eaten from her hands ever!!since she stepped into his house.

"Amarya Ma Shaa Allah you hands are blessed by Allah your meal is simply amazing." Ahmad stated as he put a small slice of Sausage with the curry in his mouth.

"Wallahi it's indeed superb." Mansur also comments

"Yes bro it is. Mahhn you LUCKY!."

Samaah only nodded giving the lamest fake smile. He hasn't even touched his plate, did I do anything wrong?

"Did you perhaps go for cooking classes or...." Muhammad added.

"Well my late mom, I learnt from her but I went for cooking classes last summer I picked a lot."she replied blankly

"You are an amazing cook Wallah." Said Mansur.

"Thank you." She smile feeling appreciated at-least some people appreciate her around here.

"Well brother we need to get going you've finally agreed to let us over since you got married. You've been locking her up in this house having her all to yourself koh?. Amarya I hope he takes care of you?"

Her heart stopped *no he doesn't I get atleast 40 lashes a day if lucky 38* she almost spilled.

"Yes he does." She replied almost not sure of it herself. She replied with many emotions in her

"Well that's good, we will get going then, Thank you Amarya." Said Ahmad

"Alright guys thank you for coming." He finally spoke.

Behind Closed Doors.{ A HAUSA LOVE STORY}.[ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now