10 Years Later

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 Where to begin...

Its been 10 long years since I've last seen Alex and everyday I can't help but wonder if he's ever going to come back home to us... I know that the boys miss him dearly, I do too, but the one thing that adds to my mess of emotions is that Alex has a son that he knows nothing about.

We had a small grace period of 2 years of peace together, as a family and making everyone's dreams a reality, before the war started taking every available man that could fight away from us.

The day the war started, and we found out about it, I asked Alex if he was going to enlist. He told me no but I could see it written on his fact that he wanted to go and help. Knowing him though he was only saying that so that he would stay here at home with us and be able to help me raise Darwin. Alex never had a good relationship with his parents, but he did with mine while they were alive, so he had a bit of a role model to work with while helping me. But I think the most that he knew the best of was not treating Darwin like how he was treated.

Eventually though he got the call, as did any other able man that we had at the mansion with us. We argued about it for ages. Alex couldn't decide on what he wanted to do more, but eventually he was forced to make a decision. Before he was deported he made sure to spend some quality time with everyone, including Hank, Charles, and Cameron.

Cameron was the most surprised to spend time with Alex because at this point in his training Cameron still didn't believe that he was worth saving. That he was more than just a deadly mutation. Libby has been doing her best in trying to convince him otherwise, but having that bit of time with Alex seemed to have been what he needed more of.

It's probably because the two men are so much alike by having deadly mutations and always fearing in the back of their minds that they might accidentally kill someone that they care about. Ale and I were lucky in always having each other. But it's different for Cameron.

For us, I'm not sure how he was able to arrange it but, Alex somehow made things so that he was able to spend a week of quality time with everyone. With Libby, I think it was mainly for the reason that he never knew that she existed until the two met and I know that it was killing him with guilt. Guilt that if he had been able to control his mutation sooner than things would have turned out a lot different then what they did.

For Darwin and I, he found us a place outside of the mansion to live together for his last month. We spent a week together as a family, then it was just father and son for a week. Then we went back to the mansion to drop Darwin off with the others while Alex and I had our special week together.

We spent it just relaxing with one another and enjoying each others company while we still could. During that time I made him swear to me multiple times that he would come home to me and our family, he promised that he would and proved his oath to me in the best way that he knows how. By showing me how much our love means to him.

Not a day goes by where I don't miss him.

It's kind of funny I a way though because both boys ask to hear stories about their father all the time, and even though we tell them the same ones hundreds of times they never get tired of hearing about Alex. Sometimes Darwin will be able to remember the strangest things about Alex and we'll be surprised that he even remembered it. But he loves being able to tell his brother Ray these strange things when he remembers them.

Shortly after Alex was deported we found out that I had gotten pregnant again. We didn't know for sure, even though I had a feeling about it, at least not until Libby started acting strangely. She refused to tell any of us why until I started getting morning sickness and her and Cameron moved back into the mansion instead of trying to live at a boarding school.

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