Message From the Future

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 Hank leaves the kitchen to greet our guest. The first one that we've had, other than Libby and Cameron who don't count since they're family, in more than 10 years.

I watch them anxiously to see how their interaction is going to play out. Even though it's been more than a decade I still get nightmares and panic attacks at simple reminders of my kidnapping before the Cuba incident, just being around men in general will still set my nerves into fight of flight mode if I don't know them well. And it doesn't seem to help that I'm getting mixed vibes from the strange man in the hallway.

"There's no professor here, can I help you?" I force myself to turn away from the men, as much as I need to watch their interaction I also need to know why Libby was acting so strangely just before this man appeared.

Looking at Libby I watch as she gets up, sighing, and places the ice cream in the freezer and dirty spoons in the sink before meeting me by the kitchens entrance. Keeping herself hidden just like Hank told us too.

"Libby what's going on?" I whisper, hoping that this stranger doesn't have super hearing abilities. She doesn't answer though so I repeat myself, this time using her full name which she hates because she thinks that she's in trouble. "Liberty Anne..."

"Ok, enough. Got I hate it when you call me that."

"Then answer me, now."

"I can't, you know the rules Vi. If I tell you too much or say the wrong thing then it could change the natural timeline."

"You have to be able to tell me something." I beg.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Her eyes fill with tears and I realize how bad the situation coming up must be if this if how she's reacting.

Libby had never enjoyed crying or being too emotional in front of others, even now, so the fact that she's starting to lose control of her strong emotions now... It makes me fearful about what type of situation that we're going to be forced into.

Again for the sake of the world most likely.

"Yea, I'm looking for the Professor. Charles Xavier, he lives here right?" I turn back around and continue watching the men interact with one another, but now with more fear and worry in my heart.

"Not at the moment. I can leave him a message for you and let him know that you stopped by." The two became silent as the stranger moves to stand directly in front of Hank.

"He's upstairs isn't he?" The stranger asks quietly, so quietly that Libby and I almost weren't able to hear him.

Hank tries to reply to the man but he says something to Hank, this time Libby and I really aren't able to hear him, and pushes our friend to the ground so that he can run around to try and find Charles. It's surprising that he's going the right way to my brothers room, he's acting like he's done so hundreds of times, maybe this stranger really is a past student of my brother's. But if he is I've never met him and I know every single student that's stepped through those doors, just like I once did.

"Professor?" The man calls again, this time his voice is more distant so that means he must be getting closer to receiving his surprise.

And what a nasty one it will certainly be.

Something clatters on the ground close by, I look to my feet and see Hank's glasses which bring me out of my thoughts and back down to reality. Hank is still on his knees on the ground, shaking violently, which can only mean that he's losing control and is about to turn into his normal blue fuzzy beast. He must have whipped his glasses in a random direction so that they wouldn't get broken. So I pick them up and place them in my pocket for safe keeping.

An Ever Changing Future - Alex Summers, book 2Where stories live. Discover now