Remember who the Real Enemy is

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            After taking a moment to catch our breaths Alex and I help each other into a standing position. The blocks that we are hiding behind doesn't give us much protection so to e on the safe side we're standing as close together as is physically capable for us to be.

With no one attempting to attack him, including his own sentinals that he destroyed for attacking him, Erik deems it as safe enough to return to the ground. The earth vibrates again as the momentum and weight of the coliseum is being released but also because Erik is forcing a metal bunker to rise out of the earth.

Chances are that's probably where the president is with Dr. Trask and Raven.

Alex tightens his hold on me as he presses my body into the rock in front of us to keep steady on the shaky ground. Once the ground stopped shaking we took a minute to make sure it was stable before releasing each other and moving away some to give each other some breathing room. Even though the air around us is dry and dusty and caused us both to go into coughing fits we were still some how able to manage to get what we needed.

From where we stand it was impossible to hear who it was that Erik was talking too. All that we can see from the bunker is a destroyed box with a lot of scared men inside it. Once brave man comes forward with his hands in the air as a sign of surrender, the father away from the bunker that he moves the easier it is for me to recognize that the brave man is the President of the United States.

While the two men were speaking Erik suddenly raises his hand and a large number of guns were now aimed at the President. I gasp in surprise and horror, I wouldn't put it past Erik to kill the president when he already assassinated the last one, and Alex moves back to holding me. It was his vain attempt to keep me safe even though it was no longer us that are in danger anymore.

I thought that Erik had destroyed the last few sentinals, but I was proven wrong as Alex and I watch one last robot fly low against the ground aiming for Erik.

At the last possible moment Magneto raises his arm and turns to look at the robot that he's breaking apart piece by piece before it has a chance in reaching him. The only piece that got the closest to it's target was the sentinals head.

While Erik was momentarily distracted the president bravely reached behind his back to pull out a weapon and aimed at Magneto, aiming for his neck. Magneto looks back at the other man in surprise only for that man to tun into a woman as he falls to his knees. The woman says something to him before turning her back on him and aiming the gun at someone else in the bunker, if what we've been told is true than the man that she's pointing a gun at now is probably Dr. Trask.

"Raven?" I whisper, then as the shock wears off I try screaming, hoping that she'll hear me. "Rav..." But Alex covers my mouth tightly so that no sound makes it out.

Instead he tightens his hold on my body that's fighting against him and whispers in my ear. Yea, as if that's going to stop me from trying to get to my sister.

"We've done our part Vi, now it's Charles turn to try and convince her again." I fought even harder against him knowing that Charles is just going to push her away again.

"Violet please, I know that the way that I've spoken to her in the past is no longer the way to do so. Alex is right, you've both done your part so please let me have this chance with her." I stop struggling momentarily as I listen to my brothers words.

I'm not sure what to think about this but I let my hope and faith fill up my mind so that Charles knows that I trust and believe in him to say the right thing.

It seems like the world has gone still. Raven was moving her arms around theatrically as if she was trying to prove her point about something to someone, but nobody was answering her.

I realized then that it was Charles speaking with her. I take in a deep breath and place my hands on Alex's tightly, who is still holding onto me in a death grip in case I start fighting against him again suddenly, hoping and praying that whatever Charles is saying to her is the right thing.

Alex hesitates but eventually releases me enough so that we're still together but not fully entwined.

Raven eventually drops the gun and makes her way back over to Erik so that she can kick him across the face, knocking him unconscious, and taking the helmet off his head. Then the world went back to normal.

I race out of Alex's hold on me and towards my sister. Seeing her again gave me a sudden energy boost, probably because I've been so scared by not hearing from her that I'm glad to see that she's alive and doing well, as I ran in the direction that I last saw her go in. Looking around I see her faintly far a head so I scream her name to get her attention.

She surprises me by turning around and waiting for me as I tackle her in a hug. "Violet stop, get off me." She says pushing me away.

"Sorry, I won't hold you up, but I want you to have these." I hastily pull out the small bundle of letters that I wrote to Raven over the years.

"Whatever it is I don't want it." She tries giving them back to me but I shake my head not allowing her to say no."

"Keep them, you may need them one day." Again she tries to return them but I refuse. "Just please remember that whoever you become and wherever you go you'll always be the greatest sister that I've ever had." Her eyes fill with tears as, this time, she tackles me in a tight hug.

"Thank you Violet."

"In there is my contact information in case you ever need anything." Police sirens blare and echo all around us and as much as I would love to keep her with me I know she needs to go, so I push her away. "Go now, while you still can."

She hesitates but ultimately nods as we hear multiple sirens getting closer to where we are. I watch her leave, with a sudden lightness in my heart that I wasn't expecting to feel at being able to see her again. Before she's fully out of sight though she turns her back to look at me one last time before transforming into a stranger and leaving me behind again.

I'm careful in making my way back onto the battlefield again. Now that the adrenaline is leaving my system I'm starting to feel all the ache's and pains from using muscles that I haven't used in a long time. When I reach the area where Alex and I were hiding I'm shocked to see that he's no longer there so I carefully continue making my way around until I'm able to see the men that I'm looking for.

There are two large metal beams that have been tossed off to the side so I would imagine those would be the ones that have protectively caged Charles to the ground while the rest of us were fighting. Charles is the first one to notice my appearance as I join them. We smile sadly at one another for many reasons.

"Did you get a chance to say everything that you wanted to say to her." He asks.

"Only as much as I thought that she's listen too." I reply.

Alex and Hank stop bickering between themselves and break out in happy sighs as they see me. I go up to them and hug each man, Hank and I hug the longest because he's more of a worry wart them I am over our family. And I'm the mother in the house!

"Are you sure that you're alright?" He asks as he finally releases me.

"I'm fine Hank. Just tired." He watches me skeptically but doesn't say any more.

"Where did you go Violet? You had me worried." I smiled sadly at Alex and kiss his check before hiding in his arms.

"I had to talk to her Alex. I needed to make sure that she was alright." Alex kisses my head affectionately and tightens his hold on me.

"I'm not sure about the rest of you but I'm ready to go home."

"Me too." Alex and Charles laugh and agree with us.

Hank leads the way by pushing Charles in his wheelchair over the rough terrain while Alex and I walk arm in arm away from the political humans and closer to our home. But something feels strange, almost like we're forgetting about something...

Or someone...

"Hey, does anyone know what happened to Logan?"

An Ever Changing Future - Alex Summers, book 2Where stories live. Discover now