Finally Together, as a Family

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            Hank is the first person that the boys see after he opens the large door to our home. He picks them up after they try to tackle him and moves them away from the door so that Alex can help Charles in with his chair. I close the door behind me softly and search the entry way for Libby. She's smiling at everyone as she makes her way over to me. Without me having to ask she wraps her arms tightly around me.

"You guys did it Violet."

"Thank god." I mumble, tightening my arms around her and feeling a lightness in my chest that feels too surreal to be real.

And of course the one time that I actually want to release my emotions nothing happens.

Libby and I let each other go just in time for me to notice Ray walking up to me shyly. I sit on the ground and hold my arms open for him to walk into.

"Hey mom?" He asks quietly.

"Yes baby?"

"Libby said that you guys are going to be done taking care of business soon, is that true?" I nod and smile.

"There's only one thing that we have left to do. Darwin come here please." He does so in confusion as I take him into my arms as well.

"Boys, I think it's time that I properly introduce you to your father." Alex smiles and bends down so that we can all be on the same level once he reaches us.

I look at my fiancé and can't help but smile at the man that I love the most in the world.

"Ray Cassidy Summers, this is your father Alex. Darwin you remember dad right?" He nods happily but turns to look at his younger brother, who happens to be watching him right back.

Until they both decide that it's time to attack Alex.

They surprise us all by tackling Alex to the floor, who almost flips over by the unexpected weight, making the rest of us roar in laughter since the rest of us (excluding Charles) are used to them being like this.

"You better get use to it Alex, this is what they do to people all the time." Cameron chuckles as we continue watching Alex playfully being beat up by his own kids.

"That's alright. Maybe I'll finally have better sparring partners, Hank was never challenging enough for me." Alex replies, out of breath, with our sons under each of his arms.

"You really want to test that out Summers?" Hank asks humorously, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yea dad can we?" "We want to watch Hank beat you!" The two boys ask looking at their father with love, hope, and excitement in their eyes.

"Hey now, at first I was all for going against Hank but now that I know you're both rooting for him it makes me wonder if either of you are my sons after all." He jokes. Oh no...

Alex is the only one that's laughing, he doesn't know how sensitive of a topic that it is for Darwin, but he soon stops when he realizes that no one else is laughing with him.

"Why is everyone so quiet? Did I say something that I wasn't supposed too?" Ray watches Darwin, who refuses to look at anyone while he forces Alex to let him go. "Darwin, what's up man?" Ray makes his way over to Darwin and watches him carefully.

"Nothing." He mumbles sadly. "I'm going to the lab." Alex reaches out to try and stop him but Darwin ignores him as he makes his way up the stairs.

"Darwin! Darwin Xavier Summers I'm talking to you son!" He finally stops walking and turns to face everyone with tears streaming down his face.

That's probably why he was trying to leave so quickly, he hate's showing his emotions in front of anyone. Especially me.

An Ever Changing Future - Alex Summers, book 2Where stories live. Discover now