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 The boys are running around in the back yard, making sure to stay away from Libby's garden, and all I can do is watch them.

For the last ten years I hoped and prayed that every day there would be my last and that I would be coming home to my fiancée. I would think about everyone all the time, how Violet was doing raising Darwin without me. What Darwin looked like as he was growing up, if he remembered me, wondering if he has gotten a mutation yet...

I wondered what everyone else was up too. How Hank and Charles were doing with the school, what Moira and Sean were up too... It's still hard to believe that he's gone and it's even scarier to think that I was close in joining him... But thanks to Raven I was able to get a third chance in being able to live a full life with my best friend.

The one that I thought would leave me as the years passed and their seemed to be no end to that dreaded war. I laugh at myself whenever I think back to how I tortured myself every night by thinking what type of man would be lying next to Violet that night. And then how empty I felt when I saw Logan in the entrance of the mansion when I did finally make my way home.

But nothing in the world would have prepared me for when I first saw her come out of Charles study, the amount of love that I felt for her when she called me her husband even though we aren't married yet. How foolish that I felt for thinking she would leave me after everything that we've been through together as I crushed her against me.

I was excited that Libby and Cameron were there too, it made me happy knowing that at least one of the woman that I love were being taken care of properly. As soon as I catch up with everyone here, and feel like my transition home is going well, I'm going to find where they're living now and go visit them. Make sure that they're alright and what they've been up too.

Violet told me that they're both in university, which I'm so proud of them for, but she didn't go into much detail about it because she felt that it wasn't her place to share. Which is understandable. But it was sad in a way too because I didn't receive many letters from them, only once a month and that was only if the letters didn't get lost of destroyed along the way.

Darwin stops running and catches Ray before either of them get knocked over, the boys talk and Darwin starts moving his hands around. I gasp in shock as a tornado comes out of his hands and I watch him amazement and how well he's able to control that part of his mutation. Ray stands up and Darwin tries to catch his brother in the mini tornado.

It's still hard to believe that I have a second son that I knew nothing about until now. I can't imagine how hard that must have been on him, especially with everyone telling him that he looks exactly like me. Which he does, and it's kind of scary.

I still can't get over the fact that I was never told about him... I know that it couldn't have been an easy decision for anyone to make, but still, it hurts...

"Alex? Where are you?"

"In here Vi." Without having to turn around I hear her walk up behind me and feel her arms wrap around my waist.

I hold her hands in mind and link our fingers together.

"What are you up too?" She asks.

"Just watching the boys." I reply.

"Oh, ok."

"Darwin is really good at controlling his mini tornadoes." I can feel her smirk against my back.

"He hated it at first. He only started practicing with it when he lost control of it in front of Ray, who instead of feeling hurt from being pushed so far away thought that it was amazing."

An Ever Changing Future - Alex Summers, book 2Where stories live. Discover now