Daddy's Home

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 I tighten my grip on Alex one last time before moving away and staring at his, still handsome as ever, face. We're watching one another with the same emotions coming from our eyes, we're both still in disbelief that this is actually happening.

"You're finally home." I whisper, gently caressing his face. "And somehow you're still as handsome as ever.

Alex chuckles and locks our fingers together against his cheek. "Vi..." His voice cracks with all the emotions that I know he's been bottling up inside but it I let him release them then my barrier is going to fall too and I can't let that happen.

Not right now at least.

"Alex, there is so much that I want to tell you but right now we have a problem."

"Whatever it is it can wait, we'll fix it together just like we always have, right now I just want to enjoy the fact that I'm finally home. With you." My eyes sting with tears at about what I'm going to tell him, but before I get a chance too I hear someone else calling out his name.

"Alex?" Alex and I separate enough to see Libby standing at the top of the staircase, watching us cautiously.

"Hey little sis." Alex smiles and tightens his arms that are still wrapped around my waist.

Libby starts running down the stairs to see her brother and before I can move away so that she can tackle him I find myself stuck in the arms of the two siblings. Neither seeming to care that I was still in the picture. Libby doesn't stay long before she pushes herself away enough to take a good look at Alex's physique, while he's doing the same with her.

"Libby, you're so beautiful. I can't believe how much that you've grown up."

"Yea, you probably won't be able to hide your grey hairs that are coming in for much longer." She jokes. Alex looks at her in confusion, then at me when he catches on to the looks that Libby and I are sharing.

"What are you talking about? Is there something going on that I haven't been told about?"

There's a bang from upstairs, probably in Hank's lab because looking around I see that he is no longer with us, then multiple pairs of feet are echoing through the halls. The owners of the running feet are soon to be in for a surprise. The echoing of people running suddenly stop until the only other sound to be hears is two pairs of feet calmly walking down the stairs and coming into view of our little party.

"Alex?" Cameron comes down the stairs faster than Hank, who watches us with a strange expression on his face, and over to Alex with a huge smile on his face. "Alex, it's good to see you man."

"You too Cameron. It's good to see that you and Libby are still together." Cameron pulls his future brother in law in for a hug once Libby releases his and he's joined us downstairs.

"Yea, Libby's done a lot for me. I wouldn't be the man that I am today without her." He smiles lovingly at the girl next to him and I can't help but smirk at the embarrassment on her face, her blush is covering her entire face as she playfully glares at her boyfriend.

"Whatever." She grumbles. But her face becomes serious moments later as the final members of the family come to join the party.

"What's going on down there?" I look up and smile instantly at being able to see mt boys again, that smile fades though once I remember about Alex.

"Hank, is that... Is that who I think that it is?" Darwin asks quietly, moving to stand closer to his younger brother.

"It sure is. Your father, Alex." Hank smiles sadly at the boys and gives them both a playful shove down the stairs.

An Ever Changing Future - Alex Summers, book 2Where stories live. Discover now